EQ 101
I just purchased a DBX215, primarily to help with eliminating feedback. I have a Fender Passport 250 PA system for vocals and, a Peavy Ecoustic 112 for guitar. The plan was to use Channel 1 for vocals and Channel 2 for guitar. It is my hobby, so I don't have very much experience setting up my equipment in different venues, and zero experience with EQ. I have set up channel 1 by plugging in the mic to input on the DBX and running the DBX output to the PA input, turned it on, it works. Obviously, solved the problem of feedback, also killed all the \"character\" in my voice, it's now flat as a pancake! I have read the little book twice, okay three times, and it's greek to me. I would say I need \"front panel\" training, but basic training in the terminology of EQ is most probably what I need first. Is there anywhere on-line I could go that would be a good starting point? I don't know enough yet to ask an intelligent question.
Dude... that XLR input into the DBX215 is NOT a mic input...Its a BALANCED level input and is NOT compatible with a MIC level input which needs MUCH more gain to be usable (the MIC that is) No wonder the mic sounds flat and has no life.. It needs a mic PREAMP to get the mic ooutput up to a level that is compatible with line level signals... If (and I don't think the passport has inserts) the passport has inserts or line in/out for a given channel, and you have the correct cables you would insert the EQ into the channel strip for processing.. I haven't got the time tonight to look up the Passport but I will in the meantime go to the \"FORMER FORUM\" and read the \"tutorials\" and \":user submitted white papers\" and the links to the \"Rane\" audio encyclopedia the Peavey site, and the PSW \"study hall\" in particular for info you need to learn...
further this is a site that is dedicated to the DRIVERACK system.. I don't mind helping but it is off topic.. Look for a return from me after I see if the two pieces are even compatable...(the DBX and the Passport...
Ok so I couldn't stand it... You have bought a piece of gear that will NOT do what you want... It WON\"T work for the purpose you want... you would need a MIC preamp EQ like the DBX 286A (which has very little EQ) the DBX386 .. again more EQ but not 15 or 30 bands like your looking for.. the problem here is the FENDER unit.. it isn't a PRO level device that has the ability to INSERT an EQ for processing.. sorry..