Right Tool for Application?
I currently have a pair of JBL MI632 and a pair of Altec VOTT hooked up to a vintage Kenwood amp at 220w/channel with a cheesy eq and Radio Shack mixer. Hey you have to start somewhere!
I am looking to put this system to work turning it into a home studio and rig that I can use for small venues.
This diagram is currently what I have in mind for the immediate future:
``````````````````````````|``| ````````````````````````
``````[Live Equip]----[SoundCraft EMP12]
[Lexicon MPX1]
``````````|`````````````````````````| `````````````````
`[Crown(XLS602 or CE2000)]````[Crown(XLS402 or CE1000)]```
`````|``````````|````````````````|````````` |```````````
I will probably want to add another amp w/ some stage monitors in the near future.
From my understanding of my research it appears that the DriveRack 260 is my best choice. I just wanted to verify this.
From my understanding the PA would be adequate if I were to stack the Altec/JBLs or not separate them more than 10 feet. However, if I wanted to put the Altecs at the front of the room and the JBLs at the back, say 20-40 feet, then I would need the 260.
So my questions: (Some of which may be a tad off-topic, but the help would be greatly appreciated.)
1.) Is the DriveRack(260) the right solution?
2.) Do I have the right amp selection for this configuration? (powerwise)
3.) Is a 12 channel mixer enough for a small band (3-4 piece?)
Speaker specs
JBL MI632 8 Ohm
Freq Range Power (Cont.) Sensitity X-Over
Pink Program
45Hz - 15kHz 150W 300W 104dB 1.5kHz
Altec VOTT 8 Ohm
20Hz - 22KHz 75w 100w?? 100dB 500Hz
I know I'll have a learning curve to get all this set up. I just need to know that I am on the right path. (I already have the speakers and FX processor.)
Thank you in advance,
I am looking to put this system to work turning it into a home studio and rig that I can use for small venues.
This diagram is currently what I have in mind for the immediate future:
``````````````````````````|``| ````````````````````````
``````[Live Equip]----[SoundCraft EMP12]
[Lexicon MPX1]
``````````|`````````````````````````| `````````````````
`[Crown(XLS602 or CE2000)]````[Crown(XLS402 or CE1000)]```
`````|``````````|````````````````|````````` |```````````
I will probably want to add another amp w/ some stage monitors in the near future.
From my understanding of my research it appears that the DriveRack 260 is my best choice. I just wanted to verify this.
From my understanding the PA would be adequate if I were to stack the Altec/JBLs or not separate them more than 10 feet. However, if I wanted to put the Altecs at the front of the room and the JBLs at the back, say 20-40 feet, then I would need the 260.
So my questions: (Some of which may be a tad off-topic, but the help would be greatly appreciated.)
1.) Is the DriveRack(260) the right solution?
2.) Do I have the right amp selection for this configuration? (powerwise)
3.) Is a 12 channel mixer enough for a small band (3-4 piece?)
Speaker specs
JBL MI632 8 Ohm
Freq Range Power (Cont.) Sensitity X-Over
Pink Program
45Hz - 15kHz 150W 300W 104dB 1.5kHz
Altec VOTT 8 Ohm
20Hz - 22KHz 75w 100w?? 100dB 500Hz
I know I'll have a learning curve to get all this set up. I just need to know that I am on the right path. (I already have the speakers and FX processor.)
Thank you in advance,
Without looking up those speakers I will tell you that the recommended power is 2-4 times the dynamic power NOT the rated output... Thats generally a LOT of power...So get more power rather than less... Too much is never enough...
The 260 is so far superior it isn't even a question...
Yes you have a steep learning curve.. go to the \"FORMER FORUM\" above, go do some reading...there is LOADS of good info and tips. Come back with more specific questions if you have any...