2 questions, thump and noice.
Hello i´m new here on the forum and i´m hopeing to get some answers on my questions.
My home cinema :
Pioneer dvd ->
Meridian 568 surround processor ->
3 Dbx driverack Pa -> ( 1. Front, 2. center+ sub, 3. rear )
Hypex 5 x ucd 180 -> 5 Jbl 2446h driver+ Jbl 2382A horn 800->20khz.
3 Crown K2 - 8 Jbl 2226h 15\", 40->800hz.
1 Qsc plx 3402 - 4 Jbl 2245 18\" ->60hz.
Now my questions:
1. My girlfriend turned off the Dbx before the amps and there come a HUUUUUUUUGE Thump/ bang from the speakers. Is there something to do to avoid this again ?????
2. I have a light noice in my horn from the Dbx, and a friend on a Swedish forum said i can switch the input gain from 34 db to 17 db inside the Dbx Pa to get ride off the noice. Does someone know about this ??
Except this i´m very pleased with my Dbx.
regards mats
My home cinema :
Pioneer dvd ->
Meridian 568 surround processor ->
3 Dbx driverack Pa -> ( 1. Front, 2. center+ sub, 3. rear )
Hypex 5 x ucd 180 -> 5 Jbl 2446h driver+ Jbl 2382A horn 800->20khz.
3 Crown K2 - 8 Jbl 2226h 15\", 40->800hz.
1 Qsc plx 3402 - 4 Jbl 2245 18\" ->60hz.
Now my questions:
1. My girlfriend turned off the Dbx before the amps and there come a HUUUUUUUUGE Thump/ bang from the speakers. Is there something to do to avoid this again ?????
2. I have a light noice in my horn from the Dbx, and a friend on a Swedish forum said i can switch the input gain from 34 db to 17 db inside the Dbx Pa to get ride off the noice. Does someone know about this ??
Except this i´m very pleased with my Dbx.
regards mats
#1 - Option 1- Others have said to open up the unit and hard wire (by-pass) the switch so that it never turns off.
Option 2- Put a sticky note saying, \"If amps are on, leave alone!\"
Option 3- It sounds as if you have no problem putting money into your system, so.... Use a PLC to turn on an off relays in the desired order and with the proper time delays.
One button on for entire system.
One button off for entire system.
Each amp would have its own relay.
All DRPA's can be on one relay (or 1 each).
So that would be 5 relay outputs, assuming that all other gear have remotes. You could put these on additional relays or put with DRPA's.
Raw components, excluding enclosure(s) would run under $600 (USD).
I have searched the forum for my answers, and found out that there is moore than me who have the power bump
I will send a mail to Dbx about it and se what they says about it.
I don´t want to build a powerswitch with relays :evil: for this problem.
regards mats
Don't waste your time... DBX will not do anything about this problem.. they can't. Bypass the power switch from the DRPA, and get a UPS unit that will run the DRPA's for a brief few minutes till the amps can be shut down properly. this is for power failure situations...
As for the internal jumpers I don't know that the DRPA has them.. the 260 does, what position do you have the input sensitivity switch next to the left(mono) input on? It should be on -10 for consumer gear. Do a gain structuring to optimize levels throughout the system and if there is still hiss.. I guess there isn't much that can be done.
I can´t se why that should be a problem for them to fix the power bump ?
I have the input sensitivity switch on -10 now. My friend on the forum have the DR260. I didn´t have the cash for 4 DR260 so i bought 4 DRPA instead.
regards mats
The Behringer Ultralink Pro MX882 looks like it may a good candidate when used as a 6-IN, 6-OUT line driver. The assumption here is the outputs of the MX882 are muted upon loss of power. The 6-IN, 6-OUT configuration effectively provides passthough for each of the Driverack PA's outputs and can be inserted into the signal chain before the amps. The only drawback is the MX822 would not prevent the POP due to the Driverack PA being turned off before the amps are powered down. I have not tried this configuration, so I am not sure if this would work.
To help with the problem of power failure and turning off the Driverack PA while the amps are on, has anyone tried inserting compressor/limiter between the Driverack PA and the amps? Specifically has anyone tried the DBX 1046? At minimum, it should limit the POP or at least help protect the speakers if the Driverack PA is turned off before the amps.
Does anyone know the behavior of the DBX 1046 in a power failure situation? If it immediately mutes its outputs when power is lost, it may prevent the POP entirely when placed after the Driverack PA. If the DBX 1046 uses bypass relays, the POP will most likely pass though and it would not a good solution to this problem.
I know that some of the other DBX products use bypass relays in a power failure situation. There is nothing in the documentation for the DBX 1046 to indicate what happens.
It is funny that I partially purchased the Driverack PA to protect my PA, but now I trying to protect my PA from the Driverack PA.
Do you have a ballpark delivery date for the new product(s)?
As for version 1.50 it is simply amp and speaker presets.
Gadget gave you this same solution but it seemed to get lost in the rest of his posting.
Matsj, this issue isn't specific to the DRPA. This noise will happen with keyboard and guitar amplifiers if you plug or unplug while the volume is turned up or down. It will happen when turning off an instrument before turning off the amplifier. It also happens plugging and unplugging connections to and from a mixer.
From experience with my DRPA, the turn off thump/pop (when I've accidentally turned the drpa off first) is noticeable but not deafening. That said, I have the system set up such that my amps clip at about 15db output from the DRPA (a tiny bit of headroom from digital clipping the outputs) so the magnitude of the powerdown thump is comparable with a loud (but reasonable) output signal.
The only problem is you'll have to make sure nobody turns up the controls on the amps. This is the one caveat with setting gain structure, it only takes one person to turn up an attenuator and something could get broken. You could put together a seperate box with 1K or 5K potentiometers to adjust the levels of each output and once adjusted close the box. If you then leave your amp attenuators up full then it should be the best of both worlds.
I failed to mention that this loud thump you've heard will do a number on high frequency drivers. Sometimes it will absolutely kill them. I did notice that your application is home theater so I'm not certain this will be an issue for you, but for those of us that use compression drivers and the like for live sound reinforcement, depending on how many full range cabinets one is using this can potentially be a minimum $50.00 hit, per cabinet to replace diaphrams. Just FYI.
Now i want to know what Dbx can replace the Driverack with :?: .
Scroll down a little bit to see some pictures. I change the set up often.
http://www.hififorum.nu/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=60142&whichpage=14 .