Crossovers and such...
Okay, I've offered this several times in the past, but have not had a good response. I do appreciate those who have chimed in, however.
If I put together a white paper/course/discussion on crossovers, delays and related stuff, is there enough interest for me to spend 20-30 hours generating material?
We're starting to get into festival season here, so this needs to happen quickly.
I'm always willing to help folks learn just like others have done for me. But, if there is little or no interest, I have WAY too many projects going on right now.
Also, as I have posted elsewhere in this forum, I would still like to do a 1 day seminar about configuring DSP for a drive system. We would cover all kinds of issues-filter frequencies, slopes, filter types, delays, etc. Is there enough interest to do this in Indianapolis? It would likely consist of a 1 day seminar with a 1 day alignment/concert for some hands-on experience. I have a company interested in hosting if dbx would help sponsor.
Please let me know. I've been asking for some time and this will likely be the last time I ask. Again, thanks to all of those who have been interested and responded in the past.
If I put together a white paper/course/discussion on crossovers, delays and related stuff, is there enough interest for me to spend 20-30 hours generating material?
We're starting to get into festival season here, so this needs to happen quickly.
I'm always willing to help folks learn just like others have done for me. But, if there is little or no interest, I have WAY too many projects going on right now.
Also, as I have posted elsewhere in this forum, I would still like to do a 1 day seminar about configuring DSP for a drive system. We would cover all kinds of issues-filter frequencies, slopes, filter types, delays, etc. Is there enough interest to do this in Indianapolis? It would likely consist of a 1 day seminar with a 1 day alignment/concert for some hands-on experience. I have a company interested in hosting if dbx would help sponsor.
Please let me know. I've been asking for some time and this will likely be the last time I ask. Again, thanks to all of those who have been interested and responded in the past.
I don't think this has happened. I've not heard anything.
This would be huge.. but every time Mikey has offered it there hasn't been enough interest to warrant his time. The problem is there isn't enough traffic here to support such an endeavor. Too bad because Mikey is a luminary in the field.. he is a technical writer for the SMAART platform, and is a systems design engineer and recording engineer as well as a live audio technician who hobnobs with the likes of Robt Scovill , and has mixed with the big boys.
Thanks again Mike, you are a true gentleman and your contributions here are great.
I'd still like to do this class/paper. Right now I'm in Nashville working on a few things. I think it would have to be late fall or early winter before anything could happen now. I'm bustin' butt between now and late October.
It's nice to be busy, but jeeeez!
I'll check back in a few weeks.
I've heard a lot of good stuff about your knowledge and expertise... I would love to be a part of this (and no matter how little) if possible... So if it's OK with you...count me in...:)
I'm in Indy also. I work in Tech Support for Klipsch and in addition to building up my own PA I'm working with a group who is using our pro cinema in home installations.
I'm looking for units that can offer delay, xover, and parametric eq and the DBX PA or 260 look to be possibilities.
One question regarding the xover's- what types and slopes are available and how many bands of parametric EQ are available and what are the technical specs of the EQ's?
muting buttons per output channel
dual mono settings
more PEQ's ( 4 per output vs 3 for hi outs and 2 for mids and lo's in DRPA)
longer delay-times, a full 2.7 seconds of re-distributable delay vs only 10 ms / output on DRPA
full function input mixer, either input can drive 1 or both channels
outputs freely configurable
much more flexible auto-eq functionality (you can run the RTA in real time!)
It's really quite a difference.
Almost forgot one of the most important advantages of the 260 over the pa, at least as far as I'm concerned: full functional security! You can also freely configureany of the 6 outputs to do anything you can imagine within the confines of the units functions, and true dual mono operation which the DRPA cannot do
Where the PA only has a simple lockout (which can be by switched off by anyone who can read the online-manual), with the 260 different security levels can be assigned to any function.
Anyway, with the DRPA, the RTA (Real Time Analizer) and Auto-eq can only be used in combination with each other (within the auto-eq wizard).
The 260-user can switch on and off the pink noise on the input mixer, view the analizer with any signal (even on the computer-screen via the GUI-control) and then decide wether or not to use the auto-eq function. Much more flexibility.
Doubtful you'll see Mikey here.. much.. but to answer your questions..
L/R 12-24-36-48
BW 6-12-18-24
BS 6-12-18-24
9 band pre (or 28 band GEQ if PEQ is chosen Auto EQ function is not available)
Post Crossover PEQ 4 per output with a total of 6 outputs for 24 PEQ's post crossover...
The DRPA however has 3 PEQ's for the two Hi outs, and only 2 each for the mid and lo outs for a total of 14 PEQ's post crossover...
The 260 has 2.6 seconds of distributable delay.. the DRPA only has 10 ms per channel.. not distributable
What do you want to know about technical specs.. as Dra said download the GUI and open up the 260 and play away.. there are also 6 notch filters selectable on the 260...
I think these guys have probably answered your questions. I'll take it one step further.
Get in touch with Brad Geswein, an ME at Klipsch. Tell him I (Mike Kovach) said to give you my cell phone number. If you want to borrow one of these units, give me a call. I think I have an extra one around here.
Take care,
Yes Mikey, I know Brad. I'll tell him you said hey!
Been eBaying it hard this weekend, I won a road case for my Martins, Lexicon, 116XL, possibly the DBX mic and a Quadraverb.