Downloading serial flash problem
We got a 4800 and when plug on there is a message on screen stating
Waiting for downloading serial flash. Any help on this? Anyone experiencing this before?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Waiting for downloading serial flash. Any help on this? Anyone experiencing this before?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Make sure the channel 1 output mute encoder is not sticking. Have you tried performing the hard reset procedure?
Hard Reset (resets everything)
While powering on the unit press and hold the <Mute 2> button until the following message appears:
“Yes <MUTE 7>�
“No <MUTE 8>�
Press the <MUTE 7> button to reset the unit.
Try downloading the latest version of System Architect. Please visit to download the latest version of SA. The Firmware update procedure should automatically begin when SA is launched.
So many questions...
It's dbx DriveRack4800. Unknown software version, because not work - in power up there is a message on screen stating: "Waiting for downloading serial flash 31050902".
It's not my device. Guy say he connect a DriveRack4800 to comp throuth ethernet (first time) -> in the display a message " do you want to upgrade?" -> OK -> then start proÑ?ess and then appear this message "Waiting for downloading serial flash 31050902". A guy was not any movies and not any power failure was during this process. May be bad ethernet cable (contact) was, i think.
Computer not see the device throuth ethernet. I try to finding DB-9 cabel.
DB-9 Null Modem cable
Not problem in software (HiQnet System Architectâ„¢ 2.0).
Now i find serial Null Modem cable at last. My comp not have com-port. I find usb-to-com adapter. Connect all in power down. Power up. System Architect - Tools - Readdress Devices - Connectivity - Add Connection - ComPorts - COM7 (Usb adapter) - Add Connection - OK - Oo Urui-Aikhall !!! Device is detected!
Then Tools - FirmWare Update.
Updating was successfully. Reboot and device is work now!
Version was New version is
Thank's to all for your attention! Big howdy from cold Siberia! Merry Christmas!
Be well
my dbx 260 shows flash download of 100000
what would i do