I just bought a pair of Mackie 215s and I wondered if anyone had already done the auto-EQing on these in a good room, and had some settings to share?
I figure wherever I auto-EQ these, is going to be wrong for the venue I end up in, and I certainly don't want to be running pink noise in a venue - especially with punters in the room...
Should I just follow the opposite of the frequency spectrum graph supplied in the manual to have a good starting point for the speakers?
I find it dissapointing that DBX don't supply more preset downloads etc for speaker types - but I guess this is due to some deal with JBL and Crown...
Thanks for all comments!
I just bought a pair of Mackie 215s and I wondered if anyone had already done the auto-EQing on these in a good room, and had some settings to share?
I figure wherever I auto-EQ these, is going to be wrong for the venue I end up in, and I certainly don't want to be running pink noise in a venue - especially with punters in the room...
Should I just follow the opposite of the frequency spectrum graph supplied in the manual to have a good starting point for the speakers?
I find it dissapointing that DBX don't supply more preset downloads etc for speaker types - but I guess this is due to some deal with JBL and Crown...
Thanks for all comments!
Those speakers are supposed to be relatively flat. A flat response should minimize room interaction, but the problems associated with Auto EQ are many and documented in the former forum home at great length. Suffice it to say if you take a measurement mic and place it in the center of a live room and the auto EQ will BUTCHER the sound...EVERY time. Reflected sound that arrives out of phase will cause the auto EQ to boost those frequencies since the mic doesn't even hear them...this will manifest itself in the higher frequencies, it will also squash the low end because of standing waves. and every room is different, and every set of speakers affects a given room differently. So asking for some innocuous RTA result from any given room would be meaningless.. and since VERY few people can interpret the data the auto EQ provides and even fewer know what to do with it.
So what good is the auto EQ? Most live sound professionals would tell you it's useless. But if you go to the former forum home (above) and read the tutorials and user submitted white papers you will find enough info to make some sense of the auto EQ's best uses.
As for the \"deal\" with JBL its \"Harmon companies\" and DBX has supplied a good number of \"tunings\" from manufacturers outside that sphere of influence...and consider the preponderance of shear numbers associated with attempting to put all the speakers made into the database... not to mention the amount of storage necessary for that much data...In you case with only full range speakers there is absolutely no need for speaker tunings anyway. Only speakers that are bi amped, tri amped etc even need speaker tunings anyway. The tunings are supplied to replace the passive crossovers inside the speakers, and offer variable settings for better control and coverage.