How do I know feedback killer is working?
Anyway Im having trouble figuring out the feedback thing and pretty much everything with it.....
As a mobile DJ what setting should I select Feedback setting to? High music?
How many live filters should I use? 6?
When setting the feedback killer it tells me to lower the gain on my mixer then increase it later without any signal???? WTF does that do when theres no signal??? Should My mic be on???
How do I know its working? I ask because I still get feedback....
Does gain structure need to be set in order for it to work properly? what level should the LEDS reach on the DRPA???? Im a big fan of opening my amp all the way so basicly my mixer gains are set pretty low......
I used wizard to setup my system but I didnt touch the EQ because I dont have a RTA mic. Does the DRPA already come witht the EQ set to a good level or is it just flat?
What about the crossover? I chose custom for everything during setup because none of my amps/speakers are listed. Does that mean its set to zero?
Here is my system
Shure Beta 58 Mics Plugged into:
Mackie DFX6 pluged into Aux of Rane TTM-57
Pluged into of course DRPA pluged into
Mains=Yamaha C115V powered by QSC PLX1804 And
Subs=Old Mccully 18\" powered by QSX PLX3402
I play mostly hip hop
As a mobile DJ what setting should I select Feedback setting to? High music?
How many live filters should I use? 6?
When setting the feedback killer it tells me to lower the gain on my mixer then increase it later without any signal???? WTF does that do when theres no signal??? Should My mic be on???
How do I know its working? I ask because I still get feedback....
Does gain structure need to be set in order for it to work properly? what level should the LEDS reach on the DRPA???? Im a big fan of opening my amp all the way so basicly my mixer gains are set pretty low......
I used wizard to setup my system but I didnt touch the EQ because I dont have a RTA mic. Does the DRPA already come witht the EQ set to a good level or is it just flat?
What about the crossover? I chose custom for everything during setup because none of my amps/speakers are listed. Does that mean its set to zero?
Here is my system
Shure Beta 58 Mics Plugged into:
Mackie DFX6 pluged into Aux of Rane TTM-57
Pluged into of course DRPA pluged into
Mains=Yamaha C115V powered by QSC PLX1804 And
Subs=Old Mccully 18\" powered by QSX PLX3402
I play mostly hip hop
Do the gain structure!
After doing the gain structure, amps will now be set here all the time (unless you need to turn them down for system balance)... with the master fader(s) at -0- and the mic channel down, if you have a PFL on the channel turn it on. and speak as loudly as you will into the mic and turn the input gain up until the meters are at -0-. if no PFl, then turn the gain up until the channel peaks then back a hair. Now do the AFS (mic fader is still down). Start with music high and 6 fixed. Now is when you turn up the mic. If not happy, try different different combos. move down thru m-med, m-low, and finally speech, if necessary. If I remember right, you can select one setting for fixed and change to another for live. Wider filters (speech) catch more quickly and narrower filters (music high) catch more slowly.