Mackie SRM 450 Processor Setting Chart\"
When using DRPA with the Mackie SRM450, I have seen only the Mackie C300 in the wizard set up. Do I select that? Then select custom on the amp? If I select Custom on the amp , What are the other setting i should use on the xover ect... When I pink, do I set the volume on the 450's to max and the sub to max then pink at Proformants level? Is there someone that can tell me if dbx has a \"Processor Setting Chart\" for the Mackie SRM450's? can you give me a step by step on what I should do to get the best resaults from my dbx driverack pa?
2 Mackie SRM450
1 dbx Driverack pa
1 Yahmaha Mixer
for outdoor movies and DJ set up
Thank you
2 Mackie SRM450
1 dbx Driverack pa
1 Yahmaha Mixer
for outdoor movies and DJ set up
Thank you
Here is what is recommended by the Wizard.
You can select the C300 or just select custom.
Gain on Mackies - 50%
Gain on JBLs - 63%
X-over settings -
\"H\" - 99.2 hz (default for mismatched systems) / BW 24 / Gain - 0
\"L\" - no hi or lo pass / Gain +15db
Actual x-over point could be 90 - 110 / BW 24 depending on where you need the power that is available to you. You might consider raising the hi-pass on the sub in the DRPA to gain some power as well.
Good luck, post back if you need.
Please see below tuning parameters. You will want to go through the Setup Wizard and select “Custom� for all of your components. When you get to the “Program Loaded� page, press the PROGRAM button. You can then set the parameters as shown below. Make sure to store the changes when finished, by pressing the STORE button 3 times.
Low Speaker JRX118SP
Low Amp JRX118SP
High Pass Out
Slope N/A
Gain 14.0 dB
Low Pass Out
Slope N/A
EQ (Low)
On/Off Off
Time Off
On/ Off; On
Threshold 18
Amp Settings
Input Sensitivity N/A
Attenuator 63%
Mid Speaker N/A
Mid Amp N/A
High Speaker SRM450
High Amp SRM450
High Pass 100 Hz
Slope BW24
Gain 0.0 dB
EQ (High)
On/Off Off
Delay Time; Off
On/Off; On
Over easy; 4
Threshold 20
Amp Settings
Input Sensitivity N/A
You list Jax as your location. Is that AL or FL? I'm 40 miles from Jax, AL and wife's family is in Jax, FL.
If you cross the tops @ 100 and leave the sub flat they will cross internally @ 120. That's a lot of overlap.
Odd about the Mackie attenuator setting difference. I'd, like you said, try both. With your board bumping the clip point, the limiter on the cab should be bumping as well. Adjust the cab input to match the board (DRPA limiters should be off for this). I think that I heard that the powered mackies lose a lot of sound quality when their limiters engage.
Also the limiters in the DRPA sre NOT brickwall. 20 seems high, but then again you do have back-ups in the cabs.
So why use them at all with the Mackie & JBL built in amps. I have not had a chance to try the new setting information yet, but I will try it this weekend. I am sure that all I need to figure out is the gain on the Mackie and JBL.
The Mackie are just so loud that, I will pink at 50% then bring them down to 9 o’clock so that I can hear the richer bass, which I have set at 100% gain. This is how I had it before the DRPA. So I was looking for the DRPA to thicken the quality of sound. I also thought I would sell the JBL and go with 2x Mackie SWA1801 subs. You are right about the 260 GUI, I really wish I got the 260 instead. I live Jacksonville, Florida, Westside Oak Leaf area. It is booming here for Big home Big stores, but no Big DJ clubs yet…we hope so soon…
Thank again
Let us know how it goes with your set-up.
I can vouch for the sound quality going south when the SRM450's are overdriven.
In my install, which is still more roughed in than fully tweaked, I actually moved my crossover point to 182 because the SRM450's sounded horrible trying to reproduce down to 100Hz when I was running at about 90db.
This allowed more power in the SRM's to be used to drive the rest of that cabs frequency range.
I also tried a JBL PRX118SP and I returned it and used a JRX with my Crown XLS402. I found I could get better more natural sound doing it the old fashioned way.
The speaker in a box, McSpeaker, cabs can be tricky to get good quality sound out of especially if you don't get the gain structure right because you don't have control over the internal limiter, filters and amp settings.
Sounds like it is time to experiment Dr. Frankenstein. : )
\"H\" - 100.0 hz / BW 24 / Gain - 0
\"L\" - no hi or lo pass / but the Gain was at +15db and I moved it up to +20db (max setting) that is when It started to get Rich and full sounding.
I think that if I was to get the Auto EQ right by pinking indoors or outdoors (on a calm no wind day) I would get a richer and fuller result. We will keep trying
everything was sounding ok but overall it sounded a little high. so my questions are:
1 How can I EQ some of the High EQ while the show is in progress?
2. What do I do when I don't get the time to Pink a Room/outdoor and show must start, how and what can I do on the fly while the band or music is playing to adjust the sound quality.
3. I found that when I do the RTA and Pink a room it does take time , sometime 3 to 5 mins... Is there something I can do to speed up the process. in many hotels it is a loud, noisy and an annoyance , and as for the volume while pinking the room i have notice that it says 'set to performance levels" is louder better the normal levels while its figuring out the EQ . will louder make it EQ faster?
Sorry if I do not make my question clear but I think if I can just have a average set up, one for rooms and one of outdoors, and save them in the program list it would make for a quicker setup.
Thank for you help or thoughts ...
2 Mackie SRM450
1 dbx Driverack pa
1 Yamaha Mixer
for outdoor movies and DJ set up
Read the "start here" thread ... and the FAQ's especially the RTA threads
Use the PEQ's for on the fly gig stuff.. you have 3 on the hi outs, and 2 on the others...
Set up These...
Hi outs:
160-170hz bell Q 3~
350hz ish Bell @1~
3.5khz hi shelf Slope 6 dB/octave
Low outs
60hz bell Q 5
100hz bell Q 3~
Some are cuts (60hz, 100hz, 160hz, 350hz) some may need gain..or cuts ( 3.5khz...)