Help with Wharfdale speakers and Samson amps
Hello I am new to this forum and I have sent a email to customer @ dbxpro THEN I saw that there was such a thing as this fourm my questions are how can I edit my wizward settings (custom) so I can change the crossover point and do I use the RTA mic to set the feedback filters? the manuel says nothing in the mixer when I turn up the volume so I know I sound like I know nothing and you are right I know nothing but I want to learn so I can teach others.
Lets assume a 2 x 3 set-up. EQ would be stereo linked. all cabs and amps will be custom. The x-over point, band gain, slope , etc are all changeble on the fly in the x-over section. Just press the x-over button. Note: changing the slope on the fly will cause an interuption of sound, very brief but very audible.
The feedback function is design to marry the room, the speakers, and the mic(s) that you will be using for performance. All mics should be on that will be used and in approximate position to where they will be.
Search Auto EQ before using that, as it can and will ruin your sound and potentially your speakers if you assume what most users do when they first get their Driveracks.
\"the manuel says nothing in the mixer when I turn up the volume\"?
I don't understand.
Joined: 29 Jun 2007
Posts: 2
Location: Malawi, Central Africa
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:33 am Post subject: more info on my system
I wanted to give you more detail on my amps and speakers:
Wharedale LX 215 quasey 3way @ 4 ohms and LX 218 subs. I have four Lx215 and two 218 I want to run them 2way ST and let the 215s split the mids and hi's I have two Samson SX 2400 power amps and two Samson SX 3200 power amps if you can help me in this area thanks.
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Just reread that you have 2 amps (assume bridged) for yours sub, so your are OK but on the low side.
Since you are way under powered on your tops, set you crossover something like...
Hi-pass - 35hz BW18 (specs say 30hz, your choice)
Lo-pass - 90hz LR24 (if tops can't keep up from a power standpoint raise the x-over to maybe 100hz)
Hi-pass - 90hz LR24 (ditto above)
The higher the x-over point (for the tops) the less power reqired from the amp. So if need be it can go 120hz. Just play with it and see what works best.
Before going any further do the they gain structure set up and limiter setting per the back of the manual. Also read around here and on the former forum above. This is very inportant.
Set the system balance by reducing (only) the attenuators of the louder amps. You can also use the x-over gains to do this, but be aware that this will change the structure that you just set up. But turning anything down will not affect the clip point in a bad way. Main thing is that the board should clip (not real bad) before the amp can clip (real bad).
Hope this was helpful. Report back, good, bad or ugly.