speaker/amp setting problem
When I set the speaker and amp settings all to \"custom\" and store them I notice at some point later after turning the unit off and on a few times the settigs have changed to somthing other than custom and the store light is on.
No other settings have changed and it does'nt sound different uless I press the store button. I have kept a close eye on what I'm doing to see if I'm causing this to happen. I don't see how. It has happened over a period of useage when I have made no adjustments.
Does anyone have any thoughts? It is annoying. If I do want to make changes and store them I have to set everything back to custom before I store the changes. I've had this DR260 for a little over 2 months and it started to do this a few days after I got it.
No other settings have changed and it does'nt sound different uless I press the store button. I have kept a close eye on what I'm doing to see if I'm causing this to happen. I don't see how. It has happened over a period of useage when I have made no adjustments.
Does anyone have any thoughts? It is annoying. If I do want to make changes and store them I have to set everything back to custom before I store the changes. I've had this DR260 for a little over 2 months and it started to do this a few days after I got it.
If I remember correctly any settings that is changed since the last store will be highlighted or shaded on that particular screen... When the store light illuminates look at all of the parameter screens to see what parameter(s) are shaded or indicated as \"have been changed\"... Once you have checked this please post back your findings...
When I first notice this it was because the store button was illuminated and I had not touched the unit or even been near it since I turned it on. I looked to see if any parameters had changed and found what I've been describing.
Now it happens every time I turn it off.
Hey G I told the guys @ Loudspeakers
That you sent me. Did'nt talk to Jay.
Talked to Dave, He relayed the
Ok, Now that you've got all that done and if you have done a hard reset call ? email tech support and let them help sort this out.. sounds like a hardware problem...
One further thought.. if your comfortable and you have the unit unplugged and it's not under warranty... open her up and make sure all the ribbon cables are snugly seated in their sockets and that nothing else is loose or looks like a problem.
I want to thank everyone for all your help and advise over the past several months, esp. Dra and Gadget. After implementing your suggestions, some construction and quite a few hours of trial and error button pushing I received the greatest compliment. Last weekend the club owner said we were the the best sounding band he had ever heard. To which he added \"You guys sound like a CD \"
I could not have done it without you guys and the DBX forum.
Thanx again,