My computer isn't talking to my 260
I have scoured the internet before buying the DBX 260. Now, I am having a problem with it talking to Driverack on my WinXP desktop. I bought the IOGEAR GUC232a and an adapter. The com port was setup using the included CD, and I went and replaced the SER2PL.SYS driver with the older version. All the onboard COM ports have been disabled except for the IOGEAR one. It's named correctly, and Driverack is set to look at it when trying to connect to a network. However, whenever I try to connect, it says no networks are detected.
I went over the connections and did all the rudimentary troubleshooting. Cords are all secure, the unit is turned on, baud rate is at 38.4kbaud, etc. I have tried changing the COM port names, but I keep all the default settings are the same. Clearly, Driverack can see that the port has something on it, but it can't talk to it. Anyone have any ideas on what it could be?
I went over the connections and did all the rudimentary troubleshooting. Cords are all secure, the unit is turned on, baud rate is at 38.4kbaud, etc. I have tried changing the COM port names, but I keep all the default settings are the same. Clearly, Driverack can see that the port has something on it, but it can't talk to it. Anyone have any ideas on what it could be?
1) Restart your computer...
2) Go here and click on the tabs to see if your driver is working properly and that there are no conflicts...
My Computer->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->Ports (Com & LPT)->Com1->Tabs
Also,...Are you using the cable that came with your DriveRack?... Have you added a gender changer or null modem adapter between the converter and the cable?...
For some good information Click Here!
I have done the computer restart multiple times, and all the drivers for the COM port are working properly.
The only thing that I am using between the computer and the 260 is the IOGEAR cable and a female-female gender changer.
That's a problem if the IOGEAR cable is a straight through cable!... You will need to add a null modem adapter in the link... The original DBX cable is a null modem cable...
It would be best to use the DBX cable and a gender changer if needed...
Got ya. I completely blanked on needing a null modem adapter. Is the configuration of the pins on the DBX cable a common configuration or would I need to buy one directly from DBX?
IOGEAR Cable Pin 2 ---> DriveRack Pin 3
IOGEAR Cable Pin 3 ---> DriveRack Pin 2
IOGEAR Cable Pin 5 ---> DriveRack Pin 5 (ground)
I got my 260 off a friend who somehow managed to lose the cable. Since he never used the interface on the back, he probably just threw the cable in with all the other "extra" ones. I'll pick up a ratshack one tonight and see if it works. Thanks.