low end rumble
hey guys ,
i'm new to the forum, i just recently purchased a drpa for the house system at the club i work at. we're haveing trouble getting the dr set right . we used the set up wizard and had problems with not enough low end out of the subs. the room was pinked with the dbx mic for this appl. i went into the drpa and boosted the gain some on the low end and boosted some of the freq. between 600hz and 1.2 khz. we are now getting some low end rumble and the subs are still not kicking like they used to. could the x-over setting be wrong? here is a little info on our system:
mackiesr 244vlz pro mixer
(2) jbl sr4733x main run in passive mode
specs are
imp.- 4ohm
pwr. cap.- 1200w cont. pink noise
freq. range- 35hz to 18khz(-10db)
x-over freq.- 1.2khz
(2)jbl sr4719x subs
specs. are
pwr. cap.-1200w
freq. range- 30hz to 300hz
x-over freq.- 80 to 100 hz
(2)crown k2 amps run in bridge mode(one to subs & one to mains)
specs are
2 ohm stereo-1250w
4ohm stereo-800w
8ohm stereo-500w
4ohm bridged mono-2500w
8ohm bridged mono-1600w
volt gain-32.88db at 1.4 volt sens.
the system is run all in mono, with both amps bridged 1 for both main and 1 for both subs. this is how it has been run for some time.
any help with the x-over setting and eq sugg. as i'm not sure the drpa through setup wizard worked correctly with this configuration.
i'm new to the forum, i just recently purchased a drpa for the house system at the club i work at. we're haveing trouble getting the dr set right . we used the set up wizard and had problems with not enough low end out of the subs. the room was pinked with the dbx mic for this appl. i went into the drpa and boosted the gain some on the low end and boosted some of the freq. between 600hz and 1.2 khz. we are now getting some low end rumble and the subs are still not kicking like they used to. could the x-over setting be wrong? here is a little info on our system:
mackiesr 244vlz pro mixer
(2) jbl sr4733x main run in passive mode
specs are
imp.- 4ohm
pwr. cap.- 1200w cont. pink noise
freq. range- 35hz to 18khz(-10db)
x-over freq.- 1.2khz
(2)jbl sr4719x subs
specs. are
pwr. cap.-1200w
freq. range- 30hz to 300hz
x-over freq.- 80 to 100 hz
(2)crown k2 amps run in bridge mode(one to subs & one to mains)
specs are
2 ohm stereo-1250w
4ohm stereo-800w
8ohm stereo-500w
4ohm bridged mono-2500w
8ohm bridged mono-1600w
volt gain-32.88db at 1.4 volt sens.
the system is run all in mono, with both amps bridged 1 for both main and 1 for both subs. this is how it has been run for some time.
any help with the x-over setting and eq sugg. as i'm not sure the drpa through setup wizard worked correctly with this configuration.
Your X-over could use some tweaking... Set cross over like this (see below) and then perform another Auto-EQ only on one side (if speakers are separated like stereo) in fast mode... After Auto-EQ...enable the other side,...set everything from 0Hz to 80Hz to flat (0dB), and manually adjust 2kHz and above to your taste...
HP @ 45Hz, HS @ BW18dB/Oct
LP @ 125Hz, LS @ RL24dB/Oct
Gain +3 dB
HP @ 127Hz, HS @ RL24dB/Oct
LP @ Out, LS @ BS6dB/Oct
Gain 0dB
Set gain structure on noted on this page http://www.dbxpro.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=611&start=255...
Let me know if this works OK for you...:)
Kevin's recommendations may work well. Here are the recs from the 260 wizard.
35hz BW12
96hz BW18
gain -5.5db
96hz BW18
gain -9.5db
Good luck.
yes , they are being run at a 2ohm load. i questioned it myself as i've only been helping them for around a month since the sound guy they had for about 10 years quit. i don't know if those specs you gave me will work since i'm using the drpa and not the dr260. if kevins specs don't work i'll give yours a try. thanks for your help.
As a thought, maybe the sub amps are current limiting due to the load.
Anyway, good luck.
Reading between the lines told me they must have been runing that way (2-ohms) for some time so I didn't pay it much attention... However,...I wouldn't high pass those subs below 45Hz because you are at 2-ohms and they probably wouldn't perform that well below 45Hz anyways...
How did it go?...
i put your x-over settings into the drpa, but i haven't had a chance to really test it out. all we've had are a couple of guys with acoustic guit. and vocals. i did play some cd's through it. it sounds a lot better, but seems to be a little week in the mids. i talked to the guys at dbx and they gave me some suggestions on using the geq on the set up wizard. i'm going to repink the room, use the specs you gave me for x-over and take it from there. we don't have any bands playing until wed. so we'll see how it goes then. OH yes, you are right the amps have been run in 2 ohm bridged for a number of years. the crown tech said the k2 amps can do it with proper cooling. i'll let you know how it goes, and once again thanks for all your help.
You can also try crossing over at 105Hz (subs low pass) and 107Hz (mains high pass)...but I wouldn't go any lower... I did an install recently and it definately sounded better with a small gap between the crossover points...
Using separate amps for the mains is certainly an improvement but it's not if you can't drive the load... You got to remember the SR4733Xs are rated at 1200 watts continuous...as well as the subs... In most cases the rule of thumb for sizing amplifiers is 2.5X the continuous rating of the load... So what were looking at here is 4-channels at 3000 watts each... There are some pretty heafty amps available these days but typically this type of system would require four amplifiers (L/R mains, L/R subs) in bridge-mono mode...
You are both correct.
Duncan's advice, I think, is budgetary. Not perfect, but sub duty is harder on an amp so IF you COULD ONLY buy 1 amp, that is where I'd put it too.
Kevin's advice is, if amps grow on trees, definately the way to go.
PS - When you find one of those trees, let me know.
The K2 is 2400 watts @ 4-ohms in bridge-mono... I would click here to pick the "forbidden fruit"...
Duncan,...see what you started!...:)
How did it go?...
My experience with setting up PA systems has been primarily for use by DJ's. I guess the main difference between this and live music would be dynamic range, far more of it with live music. That aside, I have found that I get a nicely balanced sound running a 500w/ch amp into 100db/w subs and 175w/ch amp into 98db/w tops, crossed over round 112-120hz (running stereo subs to allow higher xover point.. assuming similar efficiencies that would correspond to a 850w/ch amp for the tops using 2.4kw for each sub.. that would be a very solid sound.
I understand the logic with regards to being able to use a 600w rms speaker with up to 2.4kw of amp without risking the drivers so long as clipping is avoided because of the peak ratio and dynamic range etc. Point is, there should be no problem running a smaller amp though, if you don't need the volume, so long as clipping is still avoided.. I guess it's like having a V8 engine in the car; Fun to stomp the foot every now and again, but you don't necessarily need all that power (volume in our case) all the time..
I had to turn the PA down a little at the local cafe a few mates and I play at, we were rattling bottles and glasses of the shelves. I doubt anyone's spleen would be intact if I ran a 2400 watt amp (peak power rating of the speaker) instead of the 500..
I could be wrong but I believe Patrick indicated his speakers to be rated at 1200 watts continuous each and...he's operating in a club venue... If you think about it...he's probably pushing around 4800 watts out of his K2s considering his loads are 2-ohms... So what I have suggested (power wise) is probably not that different from what he's already doing... In this particular case the main advantage of using four amps in bridge-mono at 4-ohms verses two amps at 2-ohms would be versatility I think... Personally,...I would consider a 2X4 stereo configuration in a club setting... Anyways,...it's just my opinion...and I still have a lot to learn...
From fri. to sat. I ran 12 bands on the system with the original specs. kevin gave me and after a little tweeking of the e.q. the system sounded great. No problems at all. To answer some of the other discussions, Yes I would rather run the system with more amps at a 4 ohm load. the problem is the club owner has used this set up for the last 8 years and is unwilling to spend money on something he cannot see the need for. Anyway Kevin and everyone else thanks for all the input.
Thank you for posting back your results!... It's always good to know the outcome...:)
PS. Stayed at the Holiday Inn that night...