Not connectting to computer
This is the first time I am using the driveware software with this unit. I just did an unpdate to the unit (v1.6) without any connection problems. When I use the driveware program (v2.6) and try to connect to the unit the software just freezes. What am i doing wrong.
Sorry,...but I will need more details before I can help you... I need you to give me a very detailed description of exactly what you mean by freezes...and exactly what screen you see when this happens... Is this a new unit?... The more details you can provide the better...:?
I would be willing to bet that there's another application running in the background that's snatching your com port... You can do a ctrl-alt-delete and look at the running processes to see if another application that might use the com port is running... If so, end that process and then try to attach to the DriveRack... I would also uninstall the DriveWare, reboot, reinstall the DriveWare and reboot again before opening the application... This should alow for a proper registry entry by DriveWare... Also you may want to verify that your com port if functioning properly after you have reinstalled... To do this go here and click on the tabs to see if your driver is working properly and there are no conflicts:
My Computer->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->Ports (Com & LPT)->Com1->Tabs
Also,...Are you using the cable that came with your DriveRack?... Have you added a gender changer or null modem adapter between the DriveRack and the PC?...
What did you find?...
If you updated the firmware and you can't connect you may have some unhappy campers in church this Sunday... I could be wrong...but if I remember correctly you have to reload the program after the firmware update...:shock:
Post back and let me know what's going on...
I not only take care of the sound for the church but I also do the video. I have been a little tied up. We did have a service last night and the unit worked fine. I have not tried the things you suggested yet I will let you know. Thank you for your fast response and willingness to help.
No problem... Just wanted to make sure that you're OK... Please post back and let me know what you find...:)
and ... d_id=41825
Hello Nightrider,
I believe this would be a safe assumption... First certain to perform a hard reset (see manual) after installing the new firmware... After the hard reset I've been known to download the new firmware a second time followed by another hard reset and then a reboot... This comes from lots of experience with various firmware upgrades... Personally,...I would manually re-enter the program after the hard reset...and I would not download a program saved from an older firmware... This will allow for the user program and the new firmware to properly sync-up with one another... If needed you can always take screen shots of your current DriveWare program and paste them to a word document for reference...
Here's a DBX link regarding DR260 firmware updates...
OK now,...uninstall the DriveWare and any/all USB to serial conversion drivers... Reboot after the uninstalls and then reinstall the USB to serial driver first (always check the web to make sure you have the most recent driver for the specific converter and operating system)... Note: Do not have more than one type of USB to serial converter driver installed on the same computer!... This will most certainly cause havoc... Reboot again and then verify that your new com port is functioning properly... To do this go here (below) and click on the tabs to see if your driver is working properly and there are no conflicts:
My Computer->Control Panel->System->Hardware->Device Manager->Ports (Com & LPT)->Com1->Tabs
If there are conflicts with the USB to serial converter (meaning com port) contact the manufacturer and discuss with their tech-support... If there are no conflicts then reinstall the DriveWare and reboot... This should alow for a proper registry entry by DriveWare... Make sure that the com port selected (1, 2, 3, etc.) in the DriveWare is the same com port that USB to serial driver installed... After this try communicating to the DriveRack with DriveWare... If the application still locks-up I would disable any firewall, anti-virus, and or adware applications and then try to open it again... If it still locks-up do a ctrl-alt-delete and look at the running processes... If there's another application running that might be snatching the com port; end that process and then try attaching to the DriveRack again...
Now with that being said,...I'm assuming that you using the cable that came with your DriveRack and that you have not added a gender changer or null modem adapter between the DriveRack and the PC?...
Ohhh yea,...I left out the part about dancing in circles with a beheaded chicken...
Cheers and have a Merry Christmas!
This thing is going to be the death of me! I have tried all the suggestions and Nothing still I freezes every time.... I am wondering if its my usb adapter. Just strange since it works to load the firmware. Alos another thing i dont know if you ran into when you load the firmware you are given only choices of Ports 1-4 well my laptop start at 6,7,and 8 I guess the other ones are for card slots ect. so I had to load it from my PC no big deal for me but if I did not have the PC I would not have been able to load it....But I digress...... I still can not get the Driveware to work... I have a Nexxtech (2608042) USB Serial adapter. I am using a HP laptop less then a year old and the PC is a Dell. Any suggestions???? I have a running email with DBX but no luck there either.....
Here are some Canadian suppliers:
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks KEVIN!!
Now we know the Keyspan USA-19HS works with Windows Media Edition,...and It's also Windows Vista compatible...
I think you told me that you have tried three different adapters with Media Edition that did NOT work... Maybe you could post those models so we can avoid them...
One interesting thing is the Dynex one did nothing ...... useless. But the Nextech one I was actually able to load the firmware with but could not use the Driveware with.
The links Kevin put up I ordered it and it was here the next day.. (MAN do I wish I did it sooner since I told a band I would help them out with out actually having all my stuff set up. But I worked out great they were happy.)
Again I would like to thank Kevin. He actually helped me out on the phone on Christmas to try to get it going.
I cant believe what an awesome board this is!!!!!
Thank you for the kudos!... There are other users here that would have done the same as I... I have gotten so much information from this forum because of people like Gadget, Dra, and others... They deserve lot's of praise!... Thank you for sharing the info,...and I'm pleased that everything has worked-out!...
I just removed the Aten UC-232A and replace it with the keyspan USA-19HS. The problem with Aten was very unstable and took a long time to upload among other problems. Also, when Aten was connected and I connected the ethernet cable to System Architect I lost the communication with the driveware.
The keyspan works all the way.
Don't buy Aten.
Just want to share my experiance.
I realize it after I post it.
Well, when it comes to computer it is me on your avatar.
If you will you can post it on FAQ, just for the information.
The problem is simple, use proper gear and everything is working fine.