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Maintaining stereo pairs post Xover (DriveRack 480)

GarrettGarrett Posts: 6
edited 2007 09 in Configuration Wizard

I'm attempting to set up a program that takes a stereo input and splits it into 3 stereo outputs. I've tried the 1x3 wire selection under Xovers, but it appears to group the left channel outputs together and then the right channel outputs together. Since the left and right pairs are no longer side-by-side, I can't stereo link the processing post-Xover.

Is there a way to create multiple stereo outputs from a single stereo input?


  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551
    Hi Garrett

    Simple,...try using a 2X6 configuration...:)

  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    I can't give a definative answer. My driveware keeps giving me errors when I try to config with a 480 installed. Try this, select \"Tri-filter\". It may be mono, but if it is stereo that is what I'd use, simply because it will be a bit more intuitive (assumming that it does what it implies). A 3-way crossover (2 x 6 as Kevin suggects) could be confusing for operation, but will functionally work.
    Kevin, can you get your Driveware to config a Tri Filter? What does it set-up?

  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551
    Looks strange but it might work...if you don't mind 4-stereo channels... Outputs 1,2,3, and 4 would be left channel and 5,6,7, and 8 would be the right channel...8)


  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    Kevin, did you config the \"Quad Filter\" on purpose? I don't know why the Driveware (480) installed on my work comp flaked out. Home is fine.

  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551

    I used mixer inputs (so channels 1,2,3, or 4 could be used), separated the 5-band notch filters and delays, deleted the crossover and installed a 4-wire termination to the output channels...

    I think this might work if all you wanted to do is to take a stereo input (CD, FM, etc.) and distribute four ways... I'm certain there must be other and/or better ways to do this but it's what I could come up in short order...:wink:


    PS. This is the first time I have ever looked at the 480...and I'm sure it's designed for specific task on large systems but I think the 260 is much better suited for the small ones...2cents.gif
  • GarrettGarrett Posts: 6
    The picture included in one of the previous posts doesn't show the post-Xover processing stereo-linked, so it doesn't quite answer the question. However, if I'm understanding the 2x6 suggestion correctly, I use a 2x6 crossover and set all the crossover points for 20 Hz and 20KHz respectively -- so, in effect, the 3 crossover \"bands\" are actually 3 copies of the same program... yes?

    Seems logical. The first time I tried that, however, one of the frequency centers wouldn't go above 1.2K, but I tried it again after Kevin's post suggested it would work. I eventually was able to get all three crossover bands to include the full 20Hz to 20KHz program.

    This seems like it will accomplish what I'm looking for, but it seems like an oversight to not have 2x2, 2x4 or 2x6 wires or 2x filters...

    Thanks Kevin and everyone... this forum is proving to be a very good resource.
  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551
    Garrett wrote:
    The first time I tried that, however, one of the frequency centers wouldn't go above 1.2K, but I tried it again after Kevin's post suggested it would work. I eventually was able to get all three crossover bands to include the full 20Hz to 20KHz program.

    I had the same problem!... How did you work around it?...

  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    I uninstalled from my work computer and reinstalled. Still shuts down on a lot of the config x-over settings.

    Anyway... the Lo band Hi can't pass the Mid band Hi. Mid band Hi can't pass the Hi band Hi. Hi band Lo can't pass the Mid band Lo. Mid band Lo can't pass the Lo band Lo. You have to set the Hi band Hi and work your way down and set the Lo band Lo and work your way up.

    And yes, Kevin, the 260 is far more useful for us. The thing I found the oddest is that there is a compressor (no limiter) on the outputs. The 4800 is a 480 & 260 combo. That Gadget guy has one. He hasn't reported how that thing is doing.

    Hey Gadget, What's the deal with the 4800? You like?

  • GarrettGarrett Posts: 6

    DRA explained it just right -- you have to move Low Fc3 to 20KHz first, and then Low Fc2 and then Low Fc1. If you try it the other way around, Low Fc1 will only go as far as Low Fc2 and no further... and same with Low Fc3.

    It works in the DriveWare software on my laptop -- now I just have to try it on the unit itself and run some audio through it. But it seems fairly straightforward (once you know you have to move the crossover points in a particular sequence) and I can't imagine why it wouldn't work.
  • kpippenkpippen Posts: 551

    Please let us know if it works out...:)

  • DraDra Posts: 3,777
    Garrett, be sure to set up a filter on all the low ends, depending on the capabilities of your speakers.

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