New equipment, Old brain
OK, I have a brand new set-up AND I'm an idiot. I have read the forums and cannot find my set-up here, so I am looking for some advise.
I have the following:
DriveRack 260
Crown XTi 400 amps (2)
EV Force i25 speakers (2)
EV Force 1 sub (2)
Now, for the questions. There is only one set-up for an EV speakers, and while it sound good (better than most all other presets) it's not great.
Where do I start to make my system sound great? And what set-up do I start with?
And why am I buying all of this equipment? (sorry about this one, just getting frustrated)
Thanks All!
I have the following:
DriveRack 260
Crown XTi 400 amps (2)
EV Force i25 speakers (2)
EV Force 1 sub (2)
Now, for the questions. There is only one set-up for an EV speakers, and while it sound good (better than most all other presets) it's not great.
Where do I start to make my system sound great? And what set-up do I start with?
And why am I buying all of this equipment? (sorry about this one, just getting frustrated)
Thanks All!
I setup a custom program for you to start off with... You can Click here if you would like to download it... You can import it using the DriveWare GUI... If you haven't already click here and download the GUI... Play around with the DriveWare and get yourself familiar with it... You may also want to look at the "Training Modules"... The tab is located at the top right of this screen... The following screen shots illustrates the configuration that I suggested...
I also recommend that you read Gadget's "Welcome" post in the FAQs catagory and setup your gain structure... Most of your questions have probably already been asked here on the forum so I would lurk around and do some research... You may also want to read this thread because there is lots of good information scattered through out... If Dra or Gadget chimes-in I highly recommend that you follow their suggestions!...:D
Justin,...only you can answer that one...:D
Sincerely, thanks for your work. I will load it up and listen to it right away.
And of course I will start playing with the software more....and have more questions I am sure.
It's not going to sound great until you setup your gain structure and perform an Auto-EQ (for inside use only) with the RTA mic... When you do the Auto-EQ only enable one side (mute the other) and use the fast mode... Once it has completed set everything (in the GEQ) from 0-100Hz flat (at 0dB) and adjust everything from 7KHz and above to suite your taste...:)
Keep us informed.
I just noticed that I accidently set the low slope on the subs as a BW 24dB/Oct... You might want to change it to a L-R 24dB/Oct...
How's it going?...
I am sorry to say that I have not yet tested your work. I have been caught up in \"other\", some would say, more important, things.
I wouldn't say that, but others have.
I am looking forward to working on this during the upcoming weekend. I will keep you informed.
Truth be known it would be wise for me to do the same...
Be sure to post back and let us know how things turn out...
OK, I finally was able to start barley scratching the surface on the program you sent me. First off, what a difference from using the pre-programmed speakers that were there. A great starting point and one I would not have been able to come up with on my own.
I used a really small room, so I am excited to hear it in a bigger room.
One question I had was this. How do I do an auto RTA set-up via the gui interface. I can get the eq up, and the rta window up, but I had to use the front of the driverack to start the auto-rta. I could watch the eq change during the set-up process.
I'll have more questions in the coming weeks. I am moving this week across the country and it will be a little bit until I can get back to learning the Driverack.
Once again, thanks!
I'm 90% sure that you can monitor from the GUI RTA screen. Select Mic as the input source.
You can, if you wish, do a manual Pinking session from the Master Input section (Pink noise in the module) and adjust the slides by hand.
Oh, you may not have seen in the maual that if you cross time zones, the 260 will do an auto-hard reset. Something to do with an internal clock reset. Bummer
When you do the AutoEQ only enable one side (mute the other)... At the center listening position between the left and right speakers lay the RTA mic right on the floor and aim it towards the side that's enabled... Increase the pink noise volume to your venue listening level and use the fast mode... Once the AutoEQ has completed set everything (in the GEQ) from 0-100Hz flat (at 0dB)... Play various music and adjust everything from 7KHz and above to suite your taste...
Hope this helps...:D
OK, so you can monitor the RTA and watch the EQ change from the GUI. And thanks, for the confirmation that the RTA cannot be initiated from the GUI. I spent almost an hour trying to look at all ways that could happen lol.
And as to the "hard reset" I actually saved my config file to the hard drive, so I could load it again "just in case"
But I did have a moment of worry when I read that.