Using DRPA W/B52 Pro Matrix 2000
I currently have two B52 Pro Matrix 2000 systems that I want to use for mobile small venue shows. Is the DRPA compatible with these systems?
The Matrix 2000 is a 3/Way system that has three built in amps and has it's own built cross overs and compressors. It is designed to take two full range stereo inputs. I would like to use the DRPA to control them as well as use use the AFS and Auto EQ featues. Is this possible with the DRPA?
The Matrix 2000 is a 3/Way system that has three built in amps and has it's own built cross overs and compressors. It is designed to take two full range stereo inputs. I would like to use the DRPA to control them as well as use use the AFS and Auto EQ featues. Is this possible with the DRPA?
So I can just set up as full range through any two of the six out puts or should I do it through the L/R High output?
PS - Setting gain structures for powered cabs is not possible in the traditional sense. However, most powered cabs that are in the wizard end up with the amp level knob around 50%. Another clue is to use noise from the cab as a helper, but typically 50% should work for you.
You have been a big help.