More advice ...please???
Man this forum rocks.....but i need to ask for some suggestions.....what settings would you use for my set-up...such as x-over points, etc...
Mains=Peavey Sp 2xt running QSC RMX2450
Subs=behringer 1800 pros running with Behringer EP 2500 bridged mono
I will set up the Behringer same as the QSC since specs are the same....I'm gonna do the gain structure tonight or tommorow.
Again thanks in advance...
Mains=Peavey Sp 2xt running QSC RMX2450
Subs=behringer 1800 pros running with Behringer EP 2500 bridged mono
I will set up the Behringer same as the QSC since specs are the same....I'm gonna do the gain structure tonight or tommorow.
Again thanks in advance...
Cross tops and subs at about 100hz LR 24.
Hi-pass the subs about40-45hz BW 18.
What do you think Gadgit?
Dave,...I love the EP2500!... It's the best amp available for the $money$!... Watch those Peas...theres been talk about magnets shifting and voice coils banging... You'll know if it happens...:D
Happy Trails,
1. Do I go back in the wizard and match the knobs on the amps to the pictures in the LCD screen now??
2. After doing all my adjustments the amp knobs are only like 1/4 of the way up. Is this normal??
3. When you do the gain structure are you pretty much maxed out volume wise??? It seems that with just a hair movement on my main fader the DRPA will clip.
4. what should the x-over gain be ??? says -6.0db. Should it be 0??
I couldn't balance the speakers yet because i need to fix a banana plug up for my subs...should be able to do that tommorow.
I looked at your speakers on the web... You are way under powered for those subs (800 watts continuous / 1600 watts peak) unless you go with two EP2500s in bridge-mono mode... In the future you may also consider bi-amping the Peas with two amps in stereo mode using a custom 2X6 configuration...
For now I would choose a custom 2X4 stereo configuration as illustrated below... I used the DR260 DriveWare Wizard to configure this custom 2X4 and it's only a good starting point... I recommend that you click here and download the DriveWare GUI... Play around with the DriveWare and get yourself familiar with it... The below settings should work...but you will need to key them manually with the DRPA... Mr. Dra recommends sitting at the kitchen table, poking around, and getting familiar with the menus and screens… You may also want to look at the \"DriveRack Training Modules\"... The tab is located at the top right of this screen...
I highly recommend that you click here and read Gadget's \"Welcome\" post in the FAQs category and then setup your gain structure...
It's not going to sound “great� until you set the gain structure, the time delay between the subs and tops, and perform an Auto-EQ (for indoor use only) with the RTA mic...
After you set the gain structure DO NOT set your attenuators past the point that you marked (3dB below clipping)... You may adjust the attenuators anywhere below this point to balance your system and to suite your taste...
If you perform the Auto-EQ only enable one side (mute the other)... At the center listening position between the left and right speakers lay the RTA mic right on the floor and aim it slightly towards the side that's enabled... Increase the pink noise volume to your normal venue listening level and use the fast mode... Once the AutoEQ has completed set everything (in the GEQ) from 0-100Hz flat (at 0dB)... Play various types of music and adjust everything from 7KHz and above to suite your taste...
Most of your questions have probably already been asked so lurk around the Forum and do some research... You may also want to read this thread because there is lots of good information scattered through out...8)
2X4 using RMX2450 and SP2XTs (L/R stereo) for tops, and EP2500 (L/R stereo) with 1800Xs for subs...
It is still somewaht confusing but i am getting there.....
P.S.....Any you guys wanna come to louisiana and help'm just a Bass player in a rock band who wants a good
I'm bridging the EP2500 for the subs.....Is there a way to manually go in and enter the info Kevin supplied???
I;m lost on how to fine tune it.....the gain structure went fine......
what about pointers for ringing the system out....indoors or out???
Just press the x-over button, then the next for prev button to go to the band you wish to adjust.
Yes, all (most) of the info from K can be input into the DRPA.
Take your DRPA and set with it at the kitchen table (or in your lap) with nothing connected to it. Open the manual and punch buttons and turn the data wheel.
I wish I could help you but I don't have a DRPA at my disposal... I bought the DR260 and it was installed a couple months ago... This is where the sitting at the kitchen table and poking around comes in...:)
You should bridge-mono two for left and one for right channels for use with 2X4 stereo configuration... If your only going to use one bridged EP2500 then you will need a 2X3 configuration with summed mono sub... For now you can use the configuration I recommended with one EP2500 in stereo mode until you buy another... You'll be under powered but it will work for the short term if you don't push it to hard... Mr. Dra might be able to help you with setting up the output limiters when you get to that point...:)
Reminds me of me not to long ago!... Anyways,'s the bad news... Once you enter the settings I should try setting your gain structure again... Here's the good news... Practice makes perfect!...:)
I really couldn't afford the 260 but maybe later i will get it!!! It sound much easier to use and has more versatility....
Be safe and GOD bless all of you for your help.