vrx928 and 915subs
hello all
I am running a vrx system with the drive rack 260
vrx928la 1 per side
vrx915s 1 per side
crown 602 for highs
crown xti 4000 mids/low
yorkville 4040
do the presets for speakers mean perside ex. vrx928la 1 / vrx928la 2 / 3,4 ect?
is there any1 in the jacksonville fl area that can help me I've been tweaking system for 3 weeks now and feel it should be more powerful
joelafrance@bellsouth.net please drop me anote if you can help thx
my main problem is familiarity with the driveracks in general
I am running a vrx system with the drive rack 260
vrx928la 1 per side
vrx915s 1 per side
crown 602 for highs
crown xti 4000 mids/low
yorkville 4040
do the presets for speakers mean perside ex. vrx928la 1 / vrx928la 2 / 3,4 ect?
is there any1 in the jacksonville fl area that can help me I've been tweaking system for 3 weeks now and feel it should be more powerful
joelafrance@bellsouth.net please drop me anote if you can help thx
my main problem is familiarity with the driveracks in general
With 15 degree vertical coverage and 8\" woofer and 1 \" 20 watt tweeters I'm not surprised it's not very loud.. especially with disappointingly low 90 db spl output... Typical line arrays are usually closer to 105 - 107 db spl@ 1 meter...thats a whopping 15-17 db difference... even the JRX are 99 db spl. Between 6 dB and 10 dB is double the volume level, where 6 dB is four times the power and 10 dB is 10 times the power necessary to achieve equivalent volume.
Likewise, your subs are @ 91 db spl 1 meter one watt.. and @ 3200 watts peak power your amp in stereo is putting out a paltry 750 watts and bridged mono 1088 watts per speaker, thats a full third under program rating...
I'm not sure what to tell you, I think you will very probably have trouble getting a ton of volume out of that system for any but the smaller rooms..What is the system used for?
Sorry to be so negative I just can't figure out what JBL is doing these days? The SRX 700 series are not even able to reproduce 12K ? whats THAT about, and they will NOT respond to any inquiries about this ... Mikey Kovach found brand new speakers with two different drivers in them :shock: .
Good luck
I have in-laws in Jax. Next time I'm in town I may look you up (to get away).
Have you done a manual gain structure for all the amps?
Have you tried running the tops full range straight from the board to see how they sound?
Where do you think that they are deficient? Or do they sound good, just not enough of it?
someone ought to sue jbl for screwing up a great reputation
If you were using 4 or more cabs per side you MIGHT get usable performance...JBL isn't the only one out there fudging the figures to SELL the junk... There ARE still reputable MFG'rs doing good work out there.. Tom Danley is one. Without some standardization in the speaker industry speaker spec's don't mean squat...Some speaker MFG's actually surpass JBL's faux paws, or are at least as guilty (actually most are) as JBL for overstating a speakers capabilities... I might say that my speakers have response clear down to 20 hz.... without ever having to reveal that the 20 hz response is actually 10-20 db down...or more ( I have LABsubs...). Actually most double 18\" 15\" cabs don't have much usable info below 40 hz... Horn subs are far superior in output usually at the cost of size and weight... but the EFFICIENCY and the LF EXTENSION to the 30's and upper 20's in groups of more than 6... absolutely unbelievable...
12\" speakers make a much better low end speaker than 15 and 18\" drivers.... Imagine a dump truck with a Ferrari engine...how fast can you accelerate and slow down to reverse direction? now imagine the same engine in a Ferrari body...NOW how fast can you start and stop? Reverse direction...Obviously The car can maneuver with great ease versus the truck. Thats the baggage the 18\" driver carries...
Weight (cone/spider/voice coil) cone mass
Air mass(air displaced by the cone as it travels)
frequency response ( more air mass per stroke but limited frequency capability... the lower the frequency the longer the wave form the more power it takes to reproduce.
I also couple the sub speakers in a \"mono\" block configuration, utilizing the free power when speakers couple. Dis-similar speakers or multiple cabinets can cause lobing, phasing or other undesirable effects
the more I begin to get into these new age systems the more I'm convinced to go back to old school days and equipment. what you say has ben true for over 30 years I think the industry as a whole needs to look at what there doing lol it makes me more in demand today than ever before, for me Im gonna stick with the old school way till all the bugs are worked out. folded horns were the rage in the 70's and 80's and I still belive in them today. thanks for the input you guys I just wanted to justify the money I spent I guess I was foolish to belive a factory rep