Levels on unit don't match GUI
Seems that no matter how hard I am pushing my system, the input/output levels on the DR260 only light one bar, yet on the computer, they show much higher levels. Is there a setting I am missing?
Somewhere I have read that there are internal jumpers for boosting gain, but this uncalibrates the LED's. Have you done that? Are you the original owner?
Oh... Gadget? :?: :?: :?:
I believe it is the ballistics of the meter...the LCD/crt reacts much faster than the LED meters on the unit.. I too have seen this and I use the GUI as my default. You can adjust the input levels on the 260 to optimize the display but anything around -o- vu on the GUI is good.. NO CLIPPING though...
soundguycevinm, is the unit still under warranty?
I, also, get the high end hiss from the DR260, goes away when I mute the output. Any suggestions? I am changing out all of my amps after this weekend, so it would be a good time to calibrate everything.