Speaker Connection to DRPA

Speakers are all Active.
Each speaker can pass along the signal to another via Input and Output XLR connections on the back of the speaker.
Set A = Mackie 1530 (500W) 3-way (no vol control on back of speaker)
Set B = RCF 200A (200W+) 12\" 2-way, (vol control on back of speaker)
Set C = RCF 800A (400W) 15\" Subwoofer, (vol control on back of sub)
Set A = Floor standing
Set B = Spkr Stand Used for setup
Set C = Floor Standing
Question 1: What set of speakers (A,B,C) will the Left and Right Output XLR cords be connected to first? Then, from it to the second and from the second to the third?
Question 2: What program setting should I use for this setup?
All speakers have internal crossover within, so no external system is utilized.
The type of event that this particular array will be used is for Formal Dance (Hip-Hop/Rap, Classic Rock, etc.) with about 400-500 people attending.
Anything else I may need to know for good sound? I don't understand the RTA procedures.
Thanks in advance.
What are the internal x-overs set at for each speaker?
Are all speakers (3) together?
Do you want to have control over indivual speakers?
Are you staying away from 6 XLR cable runs, even at the expense of sound quality, for ease of set-up?
Left and Right spkr outputs from Mixer to Mackie (1530) 3-way Input; XLR from Mackie \"output\" to RCF Sub's Input; then XLR from RCF Sub \"Output\" to RCF 2-way Spkr Input. (Same for Right Channel) The only problem I had was that the RCF 2-way spkrs are more efficient than the Mackie 1530 3-way spkr, so I adjusted volume output on back of RCF 2-Way to match Mackie output at Performance Level. There are no volume controls on back of Machie 1530.
I don't know? They are powered speakers and the crossovers are internal and cannot be manually changed.
I'm not sure what you mean. I always use stereo mode for speakers. Can you explain? I just want to have them blend together...of course the subwoofer should be able to be increased in intensity when necessary.
As I understand it, the pass through or \"outbut\" from each speaker is only passing the signal, not modifying it in any way. If I shut off any speaker in the chain, the other two will have a signal coming from them.
What do you mean by \"even at the expense of sound quality\"?
I use six XLR cords to connect the speakers: Left side = 3 XLR cords, Right side = 3. The L & R \"output\" from DRPA are connected to first speaker in chain, i.e. Mackie 1530.
I have used the DJ Setup (2-way) when using ONLY RCF Main (2-way) and RCF Sub together. However, I use \"Full Range\" Program setup when using the Mackie 1530's with RCF's. I hope that by using Full Range Program that each speaker does it's own thing: Mackie does -3 Way, RCF does 2-way, and RCF sub does subwoofer. Correct?
I have no experience at trying to set crossover points or RTA procedure. Need hands-on instruction with someone who knows how to set the EQ, etc.
Feed back please.
RCF ART 800AS (Subs): 80Hz ; Frequency Response (40 - 200 Hz)
RCF ART 200A: (2-way) 1800Hz (Freq Response: 58 -20,000 Hz)
Mackie 1530: (3-Way) 700 Hz and 3000 Hz
Mackie 1530 Freq. Range: (-10db) 40Hz - 20KHz; Freq Response: (-3db) 45Hz - 18KHz)
Hope this helps. And...thanks for being patient.
We will set up two systems.
System #1 be the Mackie.
System #2 will be the RCF combo.
In the wizard, set up Stereo Linked for the GEQ.
Custom Bi-amp speaker with Custom sub.
Custom amps for all three.
The band grouping could be any of several, but I will go with...
Hi - Mackie
Mid - 200A
Lo - 800A
Hi -
Hi-pass 50hz, BW 18
Gain - 0
Hi outputs from DRPA to Mackies
Mid -
Hi-pass 80hz, LR 24
Lo-pass 18K, BW 6
Gain - 0
Mid outputs to 200A's
Lo -
Hi-pass 40hz, BW 18
Gain - 0
Lo-pass 80hz, LR 24
Lo output (L) to 800A
This will give you control over each speaker. There are some drawbacks, but it is a start. You could use only 2 bands and use the internal x-over of the 800A, but you lose the individual control of the sub.
Thank you for the help, thus far.
Thanks for reviewing the post. You're the man!
Just kidding.
It is hard to imagine that a \"pro\"level sub would be 80 hz and 80 hz only.
I've Googled and there are very few references to this model and they are not English (Italian I guess). RCF site apparently does not support discontinued.
Thanks all for being thorough and observant.
I'm not sure what you meant by
Here is some additional information I found that may be useful:
RCF ART 800AS (Subs): 80Hz ; Frequency Response (40 - 200 Hz)
RCF ART 200A: (2-way) 1800Hz (Freq Response: 58 -20,000 Hz)
Mackie 1530: (3-Way) 700 Hz and 3000 Hz
Mackie 1530 Freq. Range: (-10db) 40Hz - 20KHz; Freq Response: (-3db) 45Hz - 18KHz)
I feel like I will really need to put the volume to the Subwoofers. The setup you have indicated is a bit confusing.
All input is welcomed.
Just ignore he drawback statement and set it up as described, with one change if possible... If you can, by-pass / turn off the sub x-over then change 80 hz to 100 hz in both places listed.
Whether you have enough gear is a matter of perspective. Set up outdoors and let'r rip. Go to about where the far wall would be and if it is loud enough then it will for sure be loud enough in the roiom.
Re: Subwoofer RCF 800AS
There is not way to have access to the crossover externally. The only buttons on the back side of the RCF 800AS is (1) Volume control, (2) Phase button, and (3) Input and Output XLR connectors, and extra plug output for a tandem power source, i.e. to connect the ART 200A. I can tell you that the signal passes through the RCF 800AS (subwoofer) to any speaker that is connected to the RCF 800AS's \"output\" XLR, when it is ON or OFF! Same for the ART200. The ART 200 does not have an additional electrical \"output\". But, it does have an extra XLR \"Output\"...to hook in series.
I've used the setup in the \"Big\" Ballroom before. Had the DRPA set for \"Full Range\" and sent L and R outputs to Mackie and then to RCF Sub, and then to the Satellite RCF 200A from the Sub. I had to tweak the RCF 200's because they are more efficient than the Mackie 1530s. For what it's worth, I do have another mixer that does have a dedicated subwoofer ouput. I can then control the subwoofer volume by the mixer's subwoofer knob, if that's an alternative to getting more sub response. Comments.