1) I've seen some of your posts with a suggested sequence of DRPA setup/baseline procedures (\"Take each speaker outside....\" etc, etc )
I suppose I could surf the threads around here and piece together the whole sequence, but I wonder if those recommendations are collected in a coherent document somewhere? If so, where could I find it: ....tutorials?...archived forum? ...dbx lit somewhere?
2) If I need to look in the DRPA tutorials or archived forum areas, I'm outta luck because the links are still ( permanently? ) broken, which kinda stinks... does anybody know how to nudge the forum admin about this? ..or maybe there are new and improved links I'm missing?
I suppose I could surf the threads around here and piece together the whole sequence, but I wonder if those recommendations are collected in a coherent document somewhere? If so, where could I find it: ....tutorials?...archived forum? ...dbx lit somewhere?
2) If I need to look in the DRPA tutorials or archived forum areas, I'm outta luck because the links are still ( permanently? ) broken, which kinda stinks... does anybody know how to nudge the forum admin about this? ..or maybe there are new and improved links I'm missing?
Whatever you consider to be one stack, set that up outside so that there or no reflective boundies. In an open field is ideal, but you get the point.
Prior to starting the Auto-EQ process, make sure that you have done the gain structure set-up per the FAQ / Welcome post.
Set up your GEQ as stereo linked in the wizard.
Configure your x-over points and slopes.
Assuming a top cab with a horn and ?\" speaker over sub cab, place the RTA mic in the middle between the horn and center of the other drive 8-16 ft back depending on the height and width of the stack. Just use common sense here to center the mic in a good even dispersion area.
Press the RTA button.
Select flat curve response.
Select Low precision for this first pass, then step up to Med for fine tuning.
Set the level to be pretty loud, but not clipping the mic.
Pressing Next pg should start the process.
Open the GEQ display (if not defaulted there) and see what it did.
1st Look at the \"band\" areas. If most of the sub freqs are cut then turn down the x-over gain for the sub appropriately. Also applies to Hi's, etc. then re-Auto-EQ. (best to flatten the GEQ before re-doing)
2nd Look at the area around x-over point. If the EQ is cut there then you may need to wide the \"gap\" in the x-over a bit. Repeat as needed.
3rd Now you can focus of individual problems. If 500hz is boosted +4db, and the freqs just above and below are boosted +2db, then go to the PEQ and set up a filter to boost +4db with a \"Q\" wide enough to also catch the adjacent. You have 3 filters available to for Hi, 2 for the other bands. It will require some guess work with the \"Q\" setting, but that is OK. It may require a partially overlapping cuts and boost to get a sharp rise to the left and a slow drop off to the right. It is a good idea to write down each change you made, in case one adtustment really messes things up.
You can select based on need:
Bell - all bell.
Hi shelf - 2 bell 1 shelf.
Lo shelf - 2 bell 1 shelf.
Hi / Lo shelf - 1 bell 2 shelves.
The goal with all this is to get all dips and humps out of the raw response of your system.
Save and name the program, then re-do the dain structure and set up your limiters.
Windy day - bad. :evil:
Screaming children - bad. :x
Angry neighbors - bad. :roll:
If you need clarification, post back.
Should we still measure/adjust in the \"stack\" formation to twaek the overall sound even though that won't be our live configuration?
You said sub, do you only use 1 sub for the whole system. If so, that would require you to set up every thing to be able to set it up right.
Gadget, any words of wisdom?