Need tunings for JBL Array 4892 and 4893 subs
Hi every one,
I'm new to Drive Rack Family, Hope you guys will help me to setup my new drive rack.
Doz any one know from where i can find the tunings of JBL Array 4892 and 4893 boxes for Drive Rack 260..?? waiting for replies..
Thanx in advance,
I'm new to Drive Rack Family, Hope you guys will help me to setup my new drive rack.
Doz any one know from where i can find the tunings of JBL Array 4892 and 4893 boxes for Drive Rack 260..?? waiting for replies..
Thanx in advance,
Note that at the bottom of the page the settings are amplifier dependent. That means that if you don't have the recommended amount of power that the crossover point should be changed to a higher frequency.
If you require more info please supply all the pertinent information for a more complete answer. That means if your going to cross over the tops AND add subs, which amps, how many of each speaker etc...
i checked the tuning table of JBL array 4892-90 and 4893 subs for DSC280 Processor. but i noticed and confused with the LP filter high freq 98.1hz and BP filter [MIDS] lo freq is 35.8hz.. when i set the tunings on DR260 GUI i see a big Low Freq and Mid freq overlapping. is it ok if i continue with these settings..?? Is this correct..??
Pls Advise...
Thanx in Advance..
Best Regards,
Set the xover for the subs to cross at a 96.4 (as close to 98.1 as you can get with the 260), @ LR 24, set the tops to cross@ 102.1 hz @ LR 24 and cross the lo mids out @ 1khz, cross the horn in @ 1029 hz @ LR 24 and see how that works.
Without knowing what amps your using I cannot accurately give you a HPF for the subs but you should be safe @ BW 18 @ 40hz if you have sufficient power, lower if you have more higher if you have less...