Crossover gain settings
Hello all,
I have tried to download the gains structure set up in the FAQ, however the link is not working.
I am running a 2 x 4 set up, 2 powered tops and 2 powered subs.
Yorkville NX-55P and LS-720P
During the gain structure set up, (I have the mixer output just starting to clip) should I adjust the crossover gain so that the when the input gain meters start clipping the output meters clip also. Then adjust the speaker volume until they start clipping?
I have tried to download the gains structure set up in the FAQ, however the link is not working.
I am running a 2 x 4 set up, 2 powered tops and 2 powered subs.
Yorkville NX-55P and LS-720P
During the gain structure set up, (I have the mixer output just starting to clip) should I adjust the crossover gain so that the when the input gain meters start clipping the output meters clip also. Then adjust the speaker volume until they start clipping?
The DRPA is a kind of different animal in that you have NO input gain controls so I have found that when you set the mixer to clip the DRPA input stage will be whatever it is. I also like to at least start at the 0dbu on the crossover gains. Then if I have a problem with the amps gain, I have room to move inb either direction. Just make sure you have decent signal on the output meters, that NEVER clip for ANY reason! then with the speakers unplugged set the amps to clip... and back them down a few db for some headroom...You will still have to balance the system, as described above...