Lap top / cricket in monitors
So i have been runnig my lap top via the snake with no problems and last night a Chirp..Chirp..chirp..chirp apeared in the monitors every time i open EQ window/Cross over /limiter, Any of the windows. As soon as i closed all the windows it goes away. This drove me crazy tring to fix. Now for the real kicker. Im not even using the 260 for the monitors, Mains only and its not in the mains. Help please. The only thing i havent tried is to lift the ground on the drive rack.. Mabe i need to lift the ground on the mixer.I dont know.Its not real loud but when the band is not playing they can here it. Kind of anouying. I have 3 bands to run today and i will check back in later.
Keep us informed ok?
I'm assuming that you have been using the same laptop and snake to communicate to your 260 in the past without the chrip?...
To expand on Gadgets list of things to check: I would plug directly into the DR260 with the serial cable to eliminate the snake and isolate the problem... If the problem still exists I would try a CTR-ALT-DEL to see what other applications are running... I would look for something that uses any com, E-Net, and bluetooth...especially wireless devices... Did you have anything wireless (including PDA, cellphone, IPOD, etc.) in the area that you didn't have before?...
I will plug directly into the DR260 with the serial cable to eliminate the snake and isolate the problem...
CTR-ALT-DEL to see what other applications are running..Another great idea. I did turn of wirless internet Which solved the noise in my i-tunes...during breaks and chage out..
260 the best peace of gear i ever spent my money on, i will get another for the MON MIX next, Which brings me to another :?: Their is a vent on top and i left a empty space above my 260 for cooling. can i use that space for another 260 or is that going to over heat them :?:
I don't have the answer right off the top of my head but I'm certain that the DR260 manual would have free space or mounting requirements...
Please keep us posted!...:)
Yes i am feeding from FOH. I had a noise from my lap top with the i-tune and i ran that through a Di box and lifted the ground. that solved that issue. I think the same thing is going on with the 260 program. I found a active DI with XLR in amd outs. Im going to try that this weekend. I dont know if they wiil talk to each other when i lft the ground.Cant hurt to try it.
Not sure if I'm understanding this correctly but just in case... Do not run your PC to DR260 serial connection through a DI box... It won't work because there will be an isolation transformer (Jensen if it's a good one) between the laptop and 260... RS-232 will not transmit data through a transformer... If you want to lift pin one then open up of the XLR connector (just one of them) and disconnect the drain (bare shield) wire on pin-1... You should still be able to communicate only using pins 2 and 3...:D