Reworking Inherited System
This is my first time with a dbx DriveRack, but I can work my way around a mixer and a few amps. The problem I am having is with wired and wireless mics. I have Shure wired mics and Shure wireless mics going into a Mackie mixer, into the feedback exterminator, and then into the dbx DriveRack. I was having some problems so I ran the config wizard; just the Auto EQ Wizard. This system has been working decently for a while. Now the wired mics will not work at all. In fact the mixer lights do not even show up as receiving a signal from the mics. I know they are good, by trying them in another system. Running the Pink test has fixed the problems with the wireless mics fading in and out, but this is a bigger problem. We use the wired mics more.
Suggestions? More information needed?
Suggestions? More information needed?
So, if you plug the wireless mics into another working mixer they work? using the same cables you use when plugging in to the other mixer? do the hard wired mics work? No signal means the wireless isn't working it would seem to me but if you say they work with another mixer???
Have you tried using the PFL on the input channel to see if there is any signal on the channel strip?
The external FBX unit could be utilized if you have sub-groups and inserted that for all vocals.
I have inherited this system, so I do not understand why they have wired some of these things. Right now I am worried about getting everything working again, then I will optimize!
I was having problems after rewiring the wireless mics. A person would talk into one, the mixer LED would show the signal, but no sound across the speakers. The person that setup everything originally is not reliable, but said to check the dbx. So I simply ran the Wizard for the Auto EQ to Pink the room. Now the wireless mics work fine, but the hard wired mics will not work at all. They do not even show a light on the mixer when a person speaks into them. I know the mics are good. They were working before the pinking of the room. The only change to the dbx was the Auto EQ Wizard. I even made sure by taking a mic to another mixer and it worked fine.
During the Wizard Auto EQ setup, I used the RTA mic and was able to adjust the sound level and the mic volume did show a change. However, the wired mics have not worked since. I have tried running the wizard several additional times at different final adjustment levels to see if that helped without success.
Hopefully, this clear things up....
Let's isolate channel 1.
Will a wired mic work in this channel? I'll assume XLR.
Will a wired mic work in this channel using a transfer or DI into the 1/4 input?
Will a wireless mic work in this channel? XLR
Will a wireless mic work in this channel? 1/4
Will a CD player work in this channel? 1/4
Will CD work in this channel using a transfer or DI into the XLR input?
That is why I am confused!
Either way all the mics work now. That is the important part. We rarely play CDs.
Again, thanks for the education lesson.