How loud RTA
I know this has been discussed before. I did search the forum for this subject, and found no real clear answer (other than show volume levels) My concern is that I may have a good idea how loud something is listening to cds but not listening to pink noise (it instantly sounds too loud) ( I have to agree w/ others any thing produced by Hugh Padham is a good test for drums i.e Police.) the manual states (I believe , its not in front of me) as loud as you will do the sound during the show. but ....How do you folks measure that ? I just used the cheapie RS SPL meter and stood a few feet back and cranked up the volume. How do you decide, measure how loud you should rta ? I am thinking that if you don't crank it up loud enough it won't be that accurate if you do turn it up louder than you rta'd during the show. Basically how far should i measure with the spl meter (right where the rta mic (is I think that would be most accurate.) is or closer to the speaker. :oops:
Place the mic 8-20' from the stackand bring up the Pink until it is at the volume of the music that you will play. I would not go any higher than about -0- on the DRPA scale (for sure do not turn up until it clips the input).
Does that help?
A bit louder would be better than softer for RTA and Dra has good suggestions, but it's still a bit subjective, the DRPA won't let you do it too soft, or too loud I don't think.. as I recall there is a meter that displays the volume on the front panel.
Ya Stephan.. I can relate.. It's been 2o-30 below with wind chills of 50-60 degrees BELOW -0- :shock: canceled school two days ago it was so cold, and that just doesn't happen here.. I guess it's Global Warming...Go DEMOCRAPS!
We hit mid 60's a couple of days ago, with sun and blue skies.
I do my part with global warming. Make it worse, that is. I love Mexican food.
Stephan, don't shatter your cones in that cold.