Drive rack PA with mains speakers + monitors
I recently bought the driverack PA and am having problems setting it up with my speakers. Here's what I would like to use the drive PA with:
Crown XLS 802 with Peavey 115 (2 speakers)
Crown XLS 402 with Yamaha BR 12M (2 monitors)
I do not have subs in my system this far and would like to use the peaveys and yamaha for right now with the driverack PA... the speakers however do not sound half as good as they should if I connect the peaveys to the highs and the yamahas to the mids...
My question:
How do I connect both the peaveys and yamaha so that I can Auto EQ them both, i.e., do I connect the peaveys to the highs of the driverack PA and the yamaha to the lows... what are the proper connections. Please help... I spent a whole day and couldn't get the Auto EQ to work... [/b]
Crown XLS 802 with Peavey 115 (2 speakers)
Crown XLS 402 with Yamaha BR 12M (2 monitors)
I do not have subs in my system this far and would like to use the peaveys and yamaha for right now with the driverack PA... the speakers however do not sound half as good as they should if I connect the peaveys to the highs and the yamahas to the mids...
My question:
How do I connect both the peaveys and yamaha so that I can Auto EQ them both, i.e., do I connect the peaveys to the highs of the driverack PA and the yamaha to the lows... what are the proper connections. Please help... I spent a whole day and couldn't get the Auto EQ to work... [/b]
Here's what you should do. Tell us in detail what you want to accomplish. List what and how you are going to patch from the board to the DRPA, how you want to control volumes to mains and monitors, etc . I know that's not what you want to hear, but the limitations with the DRPA, force you to concede some things to get some things. There are some good posts that lay out your same question. Searcg things like \"mains and monitors\", etc.
DRA ... highlight=
I don't know if those amps have the parallel mono feature.. you may need to build a Y cable, or go 2X5 and use the left MID out to feed the other amp channel using a band pass filter...