SP2 Bi_amp Question
How do I use the Bi-Amp on the SP2's?? I am guessing I would run a cable from my MIDS AMP to the bottom Speakon connector and a cable from my HIGHs AMP to the upper Speakon on the back of the speaker?? Is there any special wiring or anything like that?? My MIDS AMP is in Bridged Mode and my HIGHS Amp is in Parallel Mode so I can stereo the HIGHs, going off suggestion of my local Guitar Center guy.
Look at your input panel.
the lower speakon is full range only. The the top is byu-amp only.
You have to make a bi-amp cable. Either a single 4-conductor cable (better because you'll have 4 colors) or 2) 2-conductor cables. Wire as shown on the back of the cab. For your application, you'll need to get (or make) an output panel with 4 speakon (4 pole) I'll try to send to a diagram for the connections.
1+and 1- are to the 15\" speaker
2+ and 2- are for the Horn...
At the other end same thing, you can buy these cables...
Get 2 panel jacks Speakon NL4's and a couple short hunks of wire... @ least 16 gage...12-14 would be better for the woofer...and run the 1+1- to the woofer amp, and 2+2- to the horn amp... If you have identical amps for both that have Speakons they are wireable for a biamp operation...
EP 2500 ..easiest way would be to use the binding posts and two sets of wire going from the two red binding posts... those would be attached to 2 NL4 speakon connectors red + on the amp to 1+ on BOTH NL4's on the jack pannel, red minus on the Ep2500 to 1- on the Jack pannel 2 NL4's.
Then on the other amp, one wire pair from the binding posts for the left, or \"A\" output to 2+,2- on one of the NL4's on the jack panel, and the other amp channel outputs to the other NL4 pins 2+, and 2-
So we have a 'Y' out of the EP2500, feeding both Jack panel NL4's pins 1+ and 1- The EP2500 is ste up for \"bridged\" mono
We have the other amps outputs going to the 2 NL4 jacks on pins 2+ and 2-...
Then standard 4 conductor cables redily available can be used...
I guess in a sense I am ultimately Tri-Amping using 3 Amps[2-EP2500's and a QSC850], the PV118's for Lows and the SP2's for Mids/Highs.
Thank You
I struggle with bi-amping especially in the armature / \"novice operators\" field.
I err on the side of caution with bi-amping combo speakers unless you are working in a professional outfit for 3 reasons
1. If you get the cross-over point wrong and it is too low you can blow your tweeters / horn
2. If the tweeter / horn amp is too powerful it can blow your tweeters / horn.
3. It is too easy for one of your well meaning mates to connect your 1000w amp to the tweeters and your 200w amp to your woofers.
For me, the must have protection if you go down this path is:-
1. The larger speakon connectors for bi-amping on back of speaker
2. 4 conductor cables
3. Pre wire back of amp rack with “Y� lead and large speakon socket onto 2ru panel.
4. Clearly label speakon “Y� cable Tweeters / woofers.
5. Eliminate well meaning mate. (Chop their hands off or get them to make the coffee)
6. Don’t hire your expencive gear to novice operators
Gadget wrote in another post.-
Bi-amp is the ONLY way in my opinion... it's so much better you wouldn't BELIEVE it! The efficiency factor is far better, the control of the sound is way better.. it's ... well.. BETTER! all around...Well worth the effort, but a lot of work to set up properly, a process not to be taken lightly...
Yes, greater control of sound can be achieved,
Yes the efficiency factor is far better
Yes smaller amp required for tweeters / horn
But for me the risks out way the benefits, especially in the armature field.
One design / industry standard that helps is that when using the normal NL4 speakon connector (bi-amp input)
1+and 1- are to the 15\" speaker
2+ and 2- are for the Horn
Therefore if you connect large amp into a bi-amp connector, the horn simply don’t work.
You cannot connect to the horn unless you have a “Y� lead.
“It is hard to push the cones back into the speaker once they pop out�
Please, I encourage all to give it a go
But be carefull
Money for new drivers might be hard to come by
Go to page 38 of the manual...there you will find the input output block diagrams. They will show you all the available configurations for the DRPA. 2X3 has the 2 inputs, and the 3 outputs. This would be usable as a bi-amp setup that uses the lo outs to power a bridged mono 2500 for low end without subs. To add subs, use the 2X5/2X6 which ever suits the application...