DBX with Full Yourkville setup..
I have been looking at getting a DR for my system for a while now and have been building a few questions that I am hoping can get answered here. Before we start, here is a run down of my system.
4 Yorkville EF500P - Powered 15\" tops
4 Yorkville LS800P - Powered 18\" Subs
4 Yorkville NX550P - Powered 12\" Monitors
Currently I have been running the system with the built in x-over in the speakers.
Q1: Is there a setting for these speakers in the DRPA?
Q2: How much am I REALLY going to gain by running a DRPA?
Q3: Can I possibly run a 2nd DRPA on the monitors or would that be un-nessesary?
Any help would be greatly apprieciated.
4 Yorkville EF500P - Powered 15\" tops
4 Yorkville LS800P - Powered 18\" Subs
4 Yorkville NX550P - Powered 12\" Monitors
Currently I have been running the system with the built in x-over in the speakers.
Q1: Is there a setting for these speakers in the DRPA?
Q2: How much am I REALLY going to gain by running a DRPA?
Q3: Can I possibly run a 2nd DRPA on the monitors or would that be un-nessesary?
Any help would be greatly apprieciated.
How many monitor mixes? 1, 2, 4?
Those tops have internal processing. All you need to do is pick a x-over point. I'd recommend 95 to 100 LR 24. Add a 40 hz HPF BW18 and give a little bump (3-6 db) with the 50hz bass boost. Set the top HPF to 40 and the subs LPF to max. That is of course if you plan to use the DRPA as a x-over.