I am nearly older than Gadget so I have been around for quite some time.
I have to say that I am an old analogue man, give me a knob to turn and I feel in control, but give me a LCD display and I don’t feel as comfortable
So I am in a process of updating my knowledge base to the new fandangle gismos. I have not kept up with the new “Toys� out there for about 5 years or so.
A good philosophy that I like is:-
If I hear, I forget; if I see, I remember; if I do, I will understand.
I have a DRPA and small sound system EV SX 300 etc.
Love to give people as much help as possible BUT with limited knowledge on the new fandangle gismos.
I learned this stuff by teaching others.. as did Dra, and Kevin, and any number of folks that have helped out throughout the years... I was so sick of the inaccuracy of the crossovers (even my BIG BUCK Ashley) that when I saw the driverack I said what the heck... this SUX I started out with the DRPA because the 260 wasn't around yet, as soon as it came out I got one and was BLOWN away by it's abilities...My PA JUMPED out at me! I was using a BBE to try and correct the sonic MUSH of the analog xover... I added the Driverack and BAM the system was clean, clear, punchy, and I haven't blown a speaker since... It's been about 8 years now...
I am nearly older than Gadget so I have been around for quite some time.
I have to say that I am an old analogue man, give me a knob to turn and I feel in control, but give me a LCD display and I don’t feel as comfortable
So I am in a process of updating my knowledge base to the new fandangle gismos. I have not kept up with the new “Toys� out there for about 5 years or so.
A good philosophy that I like is:-
If I hear, I forget; if I see, I remember; if I do, I will understand.
I have a DRPA and small sound system EV SX 300 etc.
Love to give people as much help as possible BUT with limited knowledge on the new fandangle gismos.