MRX 515 & 518S
:?: out of my denon mixer to my 260 and then for bass i am using Aphex Bib Bottom. My question is even with the recommended HPF from crown, I am not please with the quality of bass I am getting. I feel the sound should be heavier. Any recommendation?????
What are you using the system for ?? Band DJ (I suspect its DJ)
Specs / link for the Aphex Bib (Aphex Big-Bottomed Excitement)???
What crown amp are you using (Specs)
Top boxes amp
Cross over point you are using etc
Hard to make informed assistance with little info
2 MPRO 415 for top boxes
2 MRX 518 for bass
Specs / link for the Aphex Bib (Aphex Big-Bottomed Excitement)???
What crown amp are you using (Specs) one amp for my tops and the other for bass.[/url] ... rx518.html
Cross over point you are using etc
2 x 4 setup
for Top HPF 54 & LPF 19
for Bass HPF 33 & LPF 100
Let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanking everyone in advance for their input.
Are the sub limiters engaging?
Have you set the gain structure?
The purpose of the gain structure is as much to define the systems limitations as it is to get all the equipment talking the same language... to do so and then add amplifier exhausting synthesized low frequencies is just asking for a failure!
Now, the link you provided for the amps is no good.. we \"suspect\" you are using one amp for the subs, and one for the tops but STILL have no idea what it are overlapping your xover point in the low frequencies which is a HUGE no no. your LPF on the tops is useless since those cabs cannot even get close to those frequencies, it might just as well be set to 'out'. You most likely don't have the 2000 watts per channel of amp power those 4 ohm subs would require to really perform so you are likely exhausting the amps power supply trying to get the bass you want, but again, we have no idea what amps you are using (other than that they are Crown?) Had you provided a model number and a link we could have gotten there one way or another. So to recommend a set of parameters for the system you will
still need to provide us with the information we requested.
If you haven't read the \"Read me before posting\" section... do so...
crown xs 900 one for tops and the other for bass ... cts_id/261
Once again thanks for the input.
Get rid of the Aphex
get a bigger amp for the subs
With that setup:
set a HPF of 50hz BW 18 (you don't have enough power to go lower...
set a LPF 111.4 LR 24
Set a HPF of 118.0 hz LR24 (you don't have enough power to go lower)
Read the \"READ ME FIRST BEFORE POSTING\" (and do the gain structure and system setup found there) section before asking any further question....