Gee.. another gain structure question..
Ok, before you get mad and say\" GO READ THE OTHER POST\". lol
I have read until my eyes are crossed. Almost every post I read says that they dont have the volume .My problem. Way to much.. I set the gain structure by the walkthrough you guys have posted. Everything looked great with Unity at the mixer and the DRPA. Amps were set according also. Well when I put in a CD and cranked it up.. Whhhhhoooaaaa. I couldnt even get close to unity. I tried to redo it and same thing. Again... same thing. The only thing I can come up with is that my amps are too strong for my speakers. But i dont see how... The amps are 660 W/per channel. And Ive got them daisy chained. So there is approx. What.. 330 going to each speaker with the speaker specs at 250 W-Program and 125W- Continuous. Is this correct??
Maybe I misread something but after 3 times and still same thing. I KNOW its on my end but a I am confused on how to fix it.
I have read until my eyes are crossed. Almost every post I read says that they dont have the volume .My problem. Way to much.. I set the gain structure by the walkthrough you guys have posted. Everything looked great with Unity at the mixer and the DRPA. Amps were set according also. Well when I put in a CD and cranked it up.. Whhhhhoooaaaa. I couldnt even get close to unity. I tried to redo it and same thing. Again... same thing. The only thing I can come up with is that my amps are too strong for my speakers. But i dont see how... The amps are 660 W/per channel. And Ive got them daisy chained. So there is approx. What.. 330 going to each speaker with the speaker specs at 250 W-Program and 125W- Continuous. Is this correct??
Maybe I misread something but after 3 times and still same thing. I KNOW its on my end but a I am confused on how to fix it.
Nice Chris.. real nice.. Sorry for making you read this guys..
After you finish the gain structure...TURN THE MIXER MASTER GAINS DOWN>>>> now... play a CD you know well that is good and full range...have the mixer input channel @ the design center with the gain NOT clipping...slide the master faders up till it sounds good... (how can this be blasting your ears out?) IF you have a sub, or are Bi-amping or bi-amping with a sub... balance the different elements(speakers) by turning the LOUDEST one down (usually the horn) or in a tops with subs... the tops, since the subs take MORE POWER... \"Thanks Tim\" (see why I needed to know what the system consisted of?) well? I think you may have read ... but not comprehended perhaps?
But I will list it again
Mackie SR32-4 -VLZ- Mixer
2x CE 2000 amp.
2x Crate PS-1510H (no specs other than what I posted earlier)
2x TOA Monitors
I set my channel fader at unity and when I tried to raise my masters, I couldnt get close to unity on it. I didnt move it but about 1/2 inch from the bottom. I figured out all I had to do was lower the amp attenuators drastically and it was fine. At least I know my amp will never clip..
As I see underwood7582 problem:-
unity set though out gear
when CD played it is all too loud
Does this mean that the system is too big for the room???
Stick a 1,000w system is a closet and it will be too loud!!
So how do you make it quieter????
What do you turn down
underwood7582 wrote
Read this post I asked similar question
Is this what you are asking underwood7582???
I am understanding the the whole system is too loud.
If he put in smaller amps / speakers the he could achieve unit over the whole system.
Just because it is the right SPL for the room and for what he wants the system to achieve.
If he wanted to play hyms though a 4 way system with 4,000 watt amps to old people in the congregation than he would need to turn somthing down , amps master faders or somthing.
What should he turn down????
I think that is the question.
My 2 cents.
If it was a “one off gig� outdoors than I would turn down the master fader and leave the amps on \"unity\" / clip..
It would be too hard to get up the front and turn the amps up if I ran out of level. Easies to push up the master fader, more control of the gig, head room etc.
If it was in a Church situation I would probably turn down the amps and run faders on \"Odb\"
It is more controlled situation, you know what your levels are and run the desk, DRPA amps at \"unity\" . The amps are not driven hard and they will last longer.
Just a thought