Drive Rack-PA with JBL Array 4892 Settings
Can anyone suggest settings for the DriveRack-PA with JBL Array 4892-45 speakers with subs? I am running two plus a custom sub (loaded with 2 x JBL 2241 18\") per side.
Available amplifiers are:
Crown K1
Crown I-Tech 6000
QSC Powerlight 1.8
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Available amplifiers are:
Crown K1
Crown I-Tech 6000
QSC Powerlight 1.8
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The Array series is active so it needs to be bi-amped. The JBL ASC24 stereo two-way controller that came with the speakers has a fixed crossover point of 1kHz with a slope of 24dB/octave (Linkwitz Riley) but it also has some horn EQ in there that it doesn't say much about. With a bit of tweaking I can probably work it out but perhaps somebody here has already set-up the DR-PA for JBL Array speakers and found some good tunings they could recommend???
Just for the record, the JBL Array 4892 recommended amplifier specs are...
HF : 300 w @ 8 ohms
LF : 600 w @ 8 ohms
and the amp specs are....
JBL MPX300 - 300w @ 4ohms, 200w @ 8ohms
Crown K1 - 550w @ 4 ohms, 350w @ 8 ohms
JBL MPX600 - 600w @ 4 ohms, 400w @ 8 ohms
QSC Powerlight 1.8 - 650w @ 4 ohms, 400w @ 8 ohms
JBL MPX1200 - 1200w @ 4 ohms, 800w @ 8ohms
Crown I-Tech 6000 - 3000w @ 4 ohms, 1250w @ 8 ohms
Hope this helps.
Second everything you need is right here... unless you want to second guess JBL.. and I LOVE to do that...
second row under #3 looks like there is a hi , and lo shelf, and a .4 Q -2.5 db cut @ 3.36 khz
Also a delay on the woofer of 3.43 ms...
Those are actually the 4892 series... the 45 delineates a 45 degree radiation pattern as apposed to the 4892-90 which is the 90 degree version which is not germain to this discussion unless we are talking array patterns....
Are you looking for amp recommendations? use the the Crown IT for the subs, the 1.8 for the 4892 lows, and the Crown K1 on the horns...
P.s. you won't likely find anyone with those speakers here...MAYBE the PSW...but I wouldn't bet on it...