dbx Quantum II setup?
Hi there good people 
I'm about to get my self the first outboard processor (I'm a real new at this), so my chose got to the dbx Quantum II, but I'm not sure how to connect it properly with my PC based daw, so as far as i understood, i have to get RME HDSPe AES, than connect it to the RME BOB-32 Breakout-Box and than to the Quantum II via AES/EBU (btw is RME HDSPe AES and RME BOB-32 Breakout-Box provides cables in the packages?). Than by same way via AES/EBU the signal goes back to the PC. Is it right?
1. Do i connect monitors on this setup to the analog output using internal D/A ?
2. How good is internal D/A to compare to the RME FF400?
2. Would i be able to use analog gear with Quantum II and still use internal dither?
3. Is signal path going to the analog and digital outputs at the same time, or i can use only one output at the time?
Thank you in advance!

I'm about to get my self the first outboard processor (I'm a real new at this), so my chose got to the dbx Quantum II, but I'm not sure how to connect it properly with my PC based daw, so as far as i understood, i have to get RME HDSPe AES, than connect it to the RME BOB-32 Breakout-Box and than to the Quantum II via AES/EBU (btw is RME HDSPe AES and RME BOB-32 Breakout-Box provides cables in the packages?). Than by same way via AES/EBU the signal goes back to the PC. Is it right?
1. Do i connect monitors on this setup to the analog output using internal D/A ?
2. How good is internal D/A to compare to the RME FF400?
2. Would i be able to use analog gear with Quantum II and still use internal dither?
3. Is signal path going to the analog and digital outputs at the same time, or i can use only one output at the time?
Thank you in advance!