Delays Question
I have 2 PV118's and 2 SP2's. We will be playing in an open field scenario where the audience will extend from 15' to 100' from our speaker setup. Will we experience this Delay issue that many speak of, and if so would it be that extreme as to cause a perceived performance problem to the audience??
2. If your not running subs no
3. If your not trying to cover a group of people beyond 100 feet no
4. If you only have 2 speakers no
5. If you want to limit the slapback echo, get the sound on the people and off the hard surfaces
6. Technically speaking there is the difference in distance between the diaphragm in the horn and the bottom of the cone on the woofer but thats only a couple inches, and the finest delay available on the DRPA I believe is .23 feet, or about 3 inches. That would be alignment delay which is POST xover delay. The 260 also has pre xover delay that would allow for using delay towers, or delaying the tops to say a set of Horn loaded subs that the sound requires about 8-10 ms to get out of... Of course you can use placement delay.. actually move the speakers with reference to the delay needed... but thats often not possible.
If you want to try though....simply sweep through the available 10 ms of delay will be delaying the BW 15 in this case to allow the horn sound to catch up. If all things work out as the math says they will you should end up @ about .79 ms.... thats 7.5 ms of delay in the LR 24 crossover from lo to hi, and .23 (or so) for the added length of the horn throat over the speakers cone. But play some high end recording(not a lo bit MP3) cd with nice high end.. like Steely Dan, Or Toto, or Dread Zeppelin (all easily available and typical \"sound guy\" bill of fair, and sweep through the available delay and see if the sound tightens up. Don't expect anything as dramatic as the difference between full range and bi-amp , but a subtle shift in the clarity, signals a convergence.