mono monitor + mono main
mono monitor + mono main
In the lesser gigs, I have to haul in my own PA and run my own sound.
I thus become sound engineer sound man and live performing band leader on the stage. I need to set it up and leave it alone after soundcheck. Occasionally there is a person in audience I will trust to change only vocal levels to mix with acoustic drumb loudness and guitar amp loudness. We mike no instruments in bar gigs, just vocals using sm57 for the singer (because SM 57 is very directional I think it helps reduce feedback - anyhow that is what I use).
When I have to be my own sound provider these are small room bar type places. With that comes bad acoustics for sure and loud crowd noise etc ... feedback breeding ground. I just want three vocalists coming out of the PA since in this case the drums and amps are plenty loud.
My Rig
mixing console
two mono power amps
passive main speakers on stands for audience - running mono main mix
passive floor wedge monitors for the singers - running mono monitor mix
I just got a driverack PA thinking - hey this is stereo so I will use left channel of driverack PA for monitor and right channel for main.
I have no crossovers at all (except inside my main speaker cabinets for passive 12 inch woofer and horn - all old technology passive)
So I was thinking in the drive rack PA choose stereo two band
ignore low outs
ignore mid outd
high left - run to monitor
high right - run to main
can the features be used this way?
I would hope for pinknoise eq of room for main
feedback control for both main and mono
compressor for the main if at all
AM I GOING TO GET WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR, or really need to buy two Driverack PAs?
As you can imigine the name of the game is simple simple simple.
The very biggest thing I need is feedback control in the tiny bar gigs.
Automatic feedback control for the monitor and for the main is the reason I got the Driverack PA.
In the lesser gigs, I have to haul in my own PA and run my own sound.
I thus become sound engineer sound man and live performing band leader on the stage. I need to set it up and leave it alone after soundcheck. Occasionally there is a person in audience I will trust to change only vocal levels to mix with acoustic drumb loudness and guitar amp loudness. We mike no instruments in bar gigs, just vocals using sm57 for the singer (because SM 57 is very directional I think it helps reduce feedback - anyhow that is what I use).
When I have to be my own sound provider these are small room bar type places. With that comes bad acoustics for sure and loud crowd noise etc ... feedback breeding ground. I just want three vocalists coming out of the PA since in this case the drums and amps are plenty loud.
My Rig
mixing console
two mono power amps
passive main speakers on stands for audience - running mono main mix
passive floor wedge monitors for the singers - running mono monitor mix
I just got a driverack PA thinking - hey this is stereo so I will use left channel of driverack PA for monitor and right channel for main.
I have no crossovers at all (except inside my main speaker cabinets for passive 12 inch woofer and horn - all old technology passive)
So I was thinking in the drive rack PA choose stereo two band
ignore low outs
ignore mid outd
high left - run to monitor
high right - run to main
can the features be used this way?
I would hope for pinknoise eq of room for main
feedback control for both main and mono
compressor for the main if at all
AM I GOING TO GET WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR, or really need to buy two Driverack PAs?
As you can imigine the name of the game is simple simple simple.
The very biggest thing I need is feedback control in the tiny bar gigs.
Automatic feedback control for the monitor and for the main is the reason I got the Driverack PA.
Possible, yes, but the feedback module is tied together...Look at the block diagram and you'll see that the comp limiter is also... making feedback and comp/limiting of both impossible... BEWARE .. compressing the whole mix can CAUSE feedback...
Form this to work at all you'll need to set the unit to stereo UNLINKED. That will allow you to control the modules that are not summed...
Does any dbx unit have an application note that fits my explained need pretty closely, that I could read over?
The 260 is 2 completely separate units in one chassis. 2 DRPA's cost more than 1 DR260. 260's are available from several places for under $700. Plus lots of extra feature AND computer control from your playing position (if feasible).
PS - Download the 260 Driveware GUI in the training module section above and play with it.