Xover options for 4-way system?
I currently have Carvin TRX153 (3-way) tops and have just purchased some Carvin TRX118 subs. I have been using the 3-way cabinets mono with the DR with a QSC2450 bridged for the 15\" lows, a QSC1450 bridged for the 8\" mids, and a QSC850 bridged for the highs. I've been using the auto eq feature with the setup with reasonably good results.
I am now adding the TRX118 18\" subs with a Cravin DC2000 amp and I wiould like to run the system 4-way. Based on what I see, the DR cannot do 4-way, but, my graphic EQ has a mono \"sub out\" with control over the freq and level so I have a signal for the subs independent of the DR.
Now the questions: The 15' on the 3-Way have been handleing all of the lows and have been working pretty hard. I'd like to have the subs pickup some of the lower freqs that the 15\" have been handeling. So, I was wanting to roll off the 15' a little higer and have the 18's fill in.
How can I set this system up so it can run the 3-way from the DR (with lows tweaked to roll off higher) and the subs being fed from the eq \"sub out\". and still use the auto eq and balance the system? or, what are some suggested setups?
I see in the DR's program list \"3-Way w/sub\" but there is no explnation iof that is intended for a 3-way with additional subs or if it is 3-way including the sub.
Thanks, Dan
I am now adding the TRX118 18\" subs with a Cravin DC2000 amp and I wiould like to run the system 4-way. Based on what I see, the DR cannot do 4-way, but, my graphic EQ has a mono \"sub out\" with control over the freq and level so I have a signal for the subs independent of the DR.
Now the questions: The 15' on the 3-Way have been handleing all of the lows and have been working pretty hard. I'd like to have the subs pickup some of the lower freqs that the 15\" have been handeling. So, I was wanting to roll off the 15' a little higer and have the 18's fill in.
How can I set this system up so it can run the 3-way from the DR (with lows tweaked to roll off higher) and the subs being fed from the eq \"sub out\". and still use the auto eq and balance the system? or, what are some suggested setups?
I see in the DR's program list \"3-Way w/sub\" but there is no explnation iof that is intended for a 3-way with additional subs or if it is 3-way including the sub.
Thanks, Dan
2) You could also run 4-way mono and have the other side of the 260 be available for a monitor mix and still leave an output for a delay stack if needed.
Split (\"Y\") the singal from your mixer. 1 to the DRPA and 1 to the EQ as you suggested. In the DRPA, set the Hi-pass filter (low-cut) in the 90 to 120hz range and set the EQ's to match.
An alternative, to be able to use the DRPA only, would be IF the Carvin tops will alow you to Bi-amp the cab (horn/ mid with internal cross-over and 15's). Then you could tri-amp with 4 drivers. (I just looked at your cab manual and this is not readily do-able, although IF you're HANDY, you COULD do it.)
I have 4 bridged amps with a mono 4 way system, 18" sub, 15" low, 15" mid and 1,75" high.
I want a 4 way configuration in that order, How I could get it from the 260?
One time I´ll get this X-Over configuration will the wizard make the correct X-over adjustments or I´ll have to made it manualy?
In RTA Wizard I can´t choose Stereo or Mono input as the manual describes :roll:
Another question is how to on the noise gate as I don´t find it on the menus.
Thank you.
I ran stereo horns,
stereo mids
mono low mids
mono subs
So 2x6 ...use the GUI it's far easier to program the unit.
So the Wizard adjust also the X-Over?
Next you can re-name the outputs...left double click on the "left high" name and a dropdown menu will be displayed with a box for renaming your output... type in "Hi output" or whatever, limited to 10 charicters. Make sure it reflects something you can identify with .. like "Hi mid, Lo mid, Sub" for the others... when satisfied click [OK].
Here you can also edit the GEQ to a 9 band PEQ (you will have no auto eq though) change what is in the 2 selectable pre xover processors (I use AFS (FB) and Compressor (C). and you can link and unlink them there as well. When your satisfied with your configuration press [config] again and it will want to know if you want to replace the configuration, click [YES].
Next double left click on the [X] again and you'll get 4 blank crossovers...starting top to bottom, set your HPF and LPF for the high outs... (like leave the LPF to out and set the HPF for the horn.. If it's a 1" exit with a diaphragm of less than 2"... select a frequency around or over 2000hz. I suggest starting with LR24 or BW 18-24 filters. They are nice and musical.
Next set up your hi and low mids and sub.. use similar xover types on adjacent filters.. like stick with either LR24 or whatever for HPF and adjacent LPF...Here you can also take into consideration the gain structure of the system...Like account fore the output efficiency of the various drivers.. like the horn, which is likely 10dB or more efficient than any other component...
On the sub I like to use BW18 filters (HPF) and set the HPF somewhere just above the 3db down point of the sub. If your power is limited remember to set the HPF a bit higher so as not to tax the amp too much.
Remember to save the config and name it something you can always find... you can also place it anywhere in the user presets you want.. again for easy location.
Good luck
We had set it up with 1x4 but now I think I want to try the 2x6 with the way you explained. The issue I am running in to is this:
After setting it to 2x6 then going back out of config and double clicking on the X it only gives me 3 xovers and not 4.
Is there a step missing that gives you the 4th xover?
On gaget's reply though he says to choose 2x6 then he says to double click the x and you will get 4 blank crossovers.
So with that type of configuration I have A and B inputs going into the Highs and Mids but only Input A going into the Lows and Subs?
Is that an ok way to do it?
You will select config and click (right I think) on the input boxes and select "A+B" for outputs 5 & 6.