DRPA w/external xover, RTA STANDALONE?
I have some 3-way boxes that I've been running 3-way mono with the DRPA. Everything has been working fine, including the RTA feature in the auto eq. I've since added subs, so now I'm 4-way, which the DRPA does not do. The last show I ran the 3-way setup and use auto eq, then I brought up the subs to \"fill in\" using my mixer \"sub out\". So, the subs were bypassing the DRPA and the auto eq sequence. I'd like to know a couple of answers:
1) Is there a way to use the RTA as a standalone RTA without it automatically running the auto eq sequence?
2) I'm considering buying a separate 4-way xover to be fed from a full range output of the DRPA. I'm assuming this will give me my 4-way xover and at the same time allow me to run RTA/auto eq on the full (4-way) system. Is this a reasonable approach to this setup?
3) Auto eq/Pink noise question: If I set the DRPA to roll off the low outs at 75Hz, and I then run the auto eq, does the auto eq recognize that the xover/filter is intentionally set not to boost freqs below 75Hz, or will it attempt to flatten those freqs along with the upper freqs?
Thanks, Dan
1) Is there a way to use the RTA as a standalone RTA without it automatically running the auto eq sequence?
2) I'm considering buying a separate 4-way xover to be fed from a full range output of the DRPA. I'm assuming this will give me my 4-way xover and at the same time allow me to run RTA/auto eq on the full (4-way) system. Is this a reasonable approach to this setup?
3) Auto eq/Pink noise question: If I set the DRPA to roll off the low outs at 75Hz, and I then run the auto eq, does the auto eq recognize that the xover/filter is intentionally set not to boost freqs below 75Hz, or will it attempt to flatten those freqs along with the upper freqs?
Thanks, Dan
2. I don't know what your trying to do here. But no I wouldn't do that. I'd get a crossover and run JUST the subs off it, you shouldn't be letting the Driverack auto EQ the lows indoors. I would consider going aux fed subs.
3. The Auto eq will ignore up to 4 bands of frequencies, as in a fullrange that cannot reproduce anything below 75hz. But remember, auto EQ in a building is subject to modes, and standing waves.
Anyway, I am running the auto eq outdoors (not in a room), and I've been reading about your recommendations for geq/peq and flat setup, but I'm a little confused by a few places some of the users mentioned that the auto eq only sees 170-700hz? Maybe I'm not understanding this part? When pinking does the RTA/auto eq not look at the full range when making adjustments?
If this issue is addressed somewhere please point me there...
Thanks, Dan
PS: Another thing I'm confused about is the product manual. Why did DBX not include more information? The manual reads more like an overview of product features than a user manual...
As for your confusion, yes your confused...chuckle...what that is, is indoor auto EQ is problematic at best. In a perfect world/room you could take a mic, stick it on a stand and auto EQ a room... it really doesn't work like that, so Mike Kovach, (who's MUCH MUCH smarter than me) and myself put together a paper on indoor Auto EQ. It was as much an exercise to see if the results were duplicateable first, and if the results would hold up against SMAART. The DRPA did well on both. One thing that we tried to stress though is that for the auto EQ to work indoors, the 170-700hz ranges were the only ones that were not terribly mic position dependent, and those that would be least affected by reflected cancellations, and low frequency standing waves.
Yes I think you'll like the 260, I know I sure did.. I've been fighting with the 4800 lately, on monitors...made a major difference though.. I finally went Bi amp on the mon's but after triamping the Kick monitor I had to do what I told you to do.. even with 8 outs! I don't think GC guys have a clue for the most part...they don't get any training what so ever...
The 260 does have a real RTA.
I do appreciate the forum and all of this information since most of us don't have the time, expertise, or test equipment to run through every scenario or work-around to determine product capability.
Thanks for clarifying the 170-700. I thought that was odd. As soon as I get the 260 I'm going to plug through your recommendations for flattening the system and setting peq.
I'm an old pro-audio/sound reinforcement guy from the 80's, that has recently gotten back into this, part because I miss it, part hobby, and part to help some local talent out. In those days we didn't have \"loudspeaker control units\", only stand-alone RTA's, Eq's, Peq's, experience, and our ears... So, while I'm having to get up to snuff with the DR's, these units are quite something...
Thanks, Dan
You will luv it.