Did it just start flashing? or did you try and upgrade or something like that? What version of software do you have? Have you backed up your presets to the computer? Are you using Hi Qnet? if so are you using the serial hookup or Ethernet? so many possibilities...
My 4800 is ethernet connected.
Driverack DLL
All programming i done from a PC, No Hi Qnet connections.
Only way I could find to stop the lcd flashing was power off.
The only advise I can give at this point is to update to the latest software which addresses some of the problems associated with the issues that have sprung up since it's release...Remember to back up your programs before doing so. I would also disconnect the Ethernet cable and see if that helps. Could be that the external control is causing the glitch. If not export your programs and upload the latest version of firmware and see if that helps.
We may need to contact tech support on Monday...
Driverack DLL
All programming i done from a PC, No Hi Qnet connections.
Only way I could find to stop the lcd flashing was power off.