Satisfied Customer
Howdy everyone. Well it's been a few months & about 5 shows since I have hit this board for help. This DRPA and the unparalleled support and instruction from this team has increased the sound of our shows by a 10-fold. We just did a show Friday evening in Lake Placid Florida for the first time I was fighting to get the Bass and Kick to come through volume wise. Finally, I got something dialed in that I was content with, but overall it could have been better. Come to find out at the end of the show I am tearing down the equipment and I grab the speaker cable coming out of the Subs amp and follow it to a clip hanging on the wall next to the Subs. They never got plugged in..... oh well you live and learn. Anyways, again I just wanted to thank everyone here again now that I have had some time and a few shows with this unit under my belt. This unit combined with the Tri-Amped wiring solutions has changed our live sound from good to Excellent.
Thanks for the report...good sound is no accident!