Adding Monitors
I've been using my driverack PA with a \"one amp, one set of mains\" set up for quite a while on a 2X2 preset. I'm about to add a set of monitors and another amp. My main amp is a Crown XLS 802 and the amp for my new monitors is an XLS 402. My question is, what setting should I use for this new setup. I dont really mind not having much adjustment on the monitors because I want the play exactly what the mains do. I plan on controlling volume with my sensitivity knobs on my amp. Any help will be greatly appreciated and if there is something that i havent specifed that is needed let me know and I'll answer the best I can.
Thank You.
I've been using my driverack PA with a \"one amp, one set of mains\" set up for quite a while on a 2X2 preset. I'm about to add a set of monitors and another amp. My main amp is a Crown XLS 802 and the amp for my new monitors is an XLS 402. My question is, what setting should I use for this new setup. I dont really mind not having much adjustment on the monitors because I want the play exactly what the mains do. I plan on controlling volume with my sensitivity knobs on my amp. Any help will be greatly appreciated and if there is something that i havent specifed that is needed let me know and I'll answer the best I can.
Thank You.
First question was: Use the same setup 2 x 2
FOH into the Left DRPA
Monitors into the Right DRPA
Left high output into FOH amps
Right high output into monitor amps
Important fact to note is DRPA links (L + R) Compressor, Sub harmonic synth, AFS notch filters together. The GEQ however can be unlinked so that you can eq FOH and monitors separately. (the only thing you can change separately) (See block diagram on page 4 of manual)
Be sure to unlink geq.
See page 6 of manual.
Next question
That's good!
Good again. The only way you can go.
Hope that helps
Does all this mean that this DRPA has been essentially turned into a
Stereo 1/3 octave graphic :?: :?:
Set up a 2 x 6.
Move the monitor out to Mid - Right. This add the ability to use 3 PEQ's on the mains (Highs) and 2 PEQ's on monitors (Mids). Separate Limiters for mains and monitors. Separate x-over (filter control) for each, which is good because you'll what to set a much higher HiPassFilter (lo-cut) on the monitors as well as LoPassFilter (hi-cut) if desired. Plus output level control at the DRPA.
Dra is more \"righter\"
Much more better.
actually what I'd like to do is set it up as if I am running 2 sets of mains all at full range...
what setting would I use for that & would I hook into the mid or low output
Mono only out of desk
(left output)
I never run a stereo mix. Only mono
Unless you are sitting some were in the middle of the room you don’t really receive the benefits of a stereo mix. I prefer to keep to mono.
What is in your mix?
Gtr/ Drums / Vocal???
Why not just loop out of your main amps into your monitor amp?
Note: if you were to add subs, then you would set up a 2 x 5 and put subs on the mid outs.
we're a small 4 person band & play small venues we mic everything ... drums have a drum mic set ...we mic the guitar & bass amps
the monitors are to be for the singer mainly
what I want to add is another crown xls402 amp & 2 generic monitors
you have given me alot of choices which, right now, have me more confused
a few more questions: if I go mono like fanman said how will it effect the amps? when I Use the same setup 2 x 2
FOH into the Left DRPA
Monitors into the Right DRPA
Left high output into FOH amps
Right high output into monitor amps
do I use a single input into the amp or do I need y cables
or how would I loop out of my main amp into my monitor amp, wouldn't I need low level outputs from my main amp to go into my monitor amp???
the simplest way to add the other amp & monitors is what I'm after right now... I can experiment with the other ways at a later time
also thank you all for all your help so far
FOH into the Left DRPA
Monitors into the Right DRPA
Left high output into FOH amps
Right high output into monitor amps
do I use a single input into the amp or do I need y cables
or how would I loop out of my main amp into my monitor amp, wouldn't I need low level outputs from my main amp to go into my monitor amp??? \"
if these questions have been answered already I can't find them
I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions but I just don't want to mess up anything that I have working so far ... I'm new at this & just getting where I am now was quite a learning curve... in the post I see several different options... none of which I fully understand
Now, what if anything do you need to run stereo? Consider the person or persons sitting stage left at a table to the left of the speaker.... what of the information that is panned to the opposite side will they hear? I run stereo, but I ONLY run stereo instruments like the keyboards, and stereo guitars, and mostly effects in stereo...
If you answered the question NONE... then if you run the amps stereo... one cab per channel....use the parallel input feature that sends identical signals to each channel from the left/A/ channel input...Or if you want more power (and HAVE the added power available at the wall outlets) to run bridged mono....then you don't need the parallel feature...
If the above fits use a 2x2 if you want to hear what the FOH is hearing use a 2x2 and feed the monitors from the right channel of the DRPA and the monitors from the left...if you want MORE... then READ.... the answers were given to you in detail by DRA and Fanman... and me in the FAQ section...
The learning curve is steep... we have met it and it is our solace...We may not know everything... I doubt that anyone does, but we have put in the time and learned the basics and we pool our knowledge. Do yourself a favor... answers without reason are useless... do the work...
again I apologize for my ignorance...and I have read everything I could find on adding monitors in the fourm
The Crown XLS 802 amp doesn’t have \"loop though\" xlr connectors so try this setup.
This will work for the
Left high output of the DRPA into a \"Y\" cable then into the FOH Crown XLS 802.
Into the Left input and right input.
Out of the amp left and right into the speakers
Do the same with the foldback Crown XLS 402
Right high output of the DRPA into a \"Y\" cable then into the foldback Crown XLS 402
Into the Left input and right input.
Out of the amp left and right into the speakers
This is 1 way of achieving your aim.
Hope this helps