Uneven signal at driverack
I have noticed that I have a stronger signal strength on the left side of my drive rack? Pan is set center on board. I have been playing with the eq ,have I or can you EQ the left and right seperate and if so mybe I have them uneven? thx Boog :?: :?:
A little more info would be good please
Input or output meters?
What are you sending to the DRPA? Mics CD Ipod??
Have you switched inputs to driverack and checked that the input signal is same level?? Left and right input levels
on DRPA or Desk??
Yes you can if they are \"unlinked\"
What set up are you using? 2x2 or 2x3 or 2x4 etc.
What Desk are you using?
If you can give more info than we will be better informed to help you
Eurorack UB2242FX-Pro board.
2 JBL Pro MP215 Forward Speakers.
2 JRX Pro 18\" Subs Cabs. 2 Crown XLS 402 Amp. 1 Crown XLS 602 Amp. Furman Power Conditioner QSC RMX 850 Amp. DBX Drive Rack System.
Running 2x4.
Signal meters on the board read even.
This is live music,mics.
Input meters on DRPA.
I have not swithed inputs yet will try tonight at set up.
I will check 'unlinked'.
Please inform me 'whgat is desk?'.
Desk is the mixer...I don't trust mixer meters... BEH mixers are ....ok but not considered \"above reproach\" so even thought the meters say that the sound is even you still need to verify everything I spoke of. It could be anything...
I will continue to check these thoughts out tonight as I will be set up.
I am still in a learning mode on the DRPA ,I have read all the info on this forum which has been a great help. I think I read on here about a CD disc that my have info? Can you advise.
thx,Greg 'Boog'
Do you mean the Bink's CD? (sweeps, pink noise, tones, etc?)
After running the system for awhile the left side was strong on input to the DRPA,so I swithed the inputs right and left.Still the left side was strong on input tro the DRPA.
It appears my Board may be the issue as I had to pan the channels just a notch and a half to even up the input into the DRPA (I do not have seperate faders for right and left). Your thoughts?
thx Greg
Can you give us am idea of the volume difference? Twice as loud, just a little bit louder, what?
The volume level on the left stands out very clearly when you are in dead center of the listening area.
As I stated I panned about one and a half notches on the dial to compensate.
One thing I am going to look at today is the two cable output cables from board to the DRPA are not the same make. Lenght is the same just different makes.?
Not trying to \"bust your chops\" here but you stated:
\"One thing I am going to look at today is the two cable output cables from board to the DRPA are not the same make. Lenght is the same just different makes.?\"
and then you said:
\"Both cables are the same type and length.? Thx, Greg\"
Which is it?
I was working a show last night and in the darkness of the stage I thought the cables appeared different,they were not after setting the system back up at home today I found that out.
I guess I was trouble shooting on the fly last night!
Thanks for the help and I am sure as I go along with learning the DRPA I will have more questions!
Thx Greg
I use a tester that is very good and cheep
Keeps my cables
\"up to snuff\"
Ever thought how much money we have tied up in just patch cables??
Must be thousands
I know that when I moved it was 6 tubs of them...and thats just the fixed install...
This is what I use...
http://www.audiopile.net/products/Elect ... tsheet.asp