Hi everyone,
we are looking to set up a mobile sound system on an articulated trailor.
The system must be able to play for acround of 2000 in a feild and must have a mobile generator.
Can any body advise on the kind of power (watts) need and the best equipment to use.
It would need to have live music capabilities and djing functionality.
Our budget is £20,000.
we are looking to set up a mobile sound system on an articulated trailor.
The system must be able to play for acround of 2000 in a feild and must have a mobile generator.
Can any body advise on the kind of power (watts) need and the best equipment to use.
It would need to have live music capabilities and djing functionality.
Our budget is £20,000.
Does that include a generator?... Does that include lights? and if so does the lighting have to come out of the budget amount? If there are lights in the picture that can require more power than the mains....(unless you buy the LED lights that is...)
I assume you are mobile then? What is the idea behind the articulating trailer.. and do you have that already?
We can set you up pretty... but we need to have more info...As much as you can offer would be best...
Oh and it would help to know what brands you have access to.. like how much for a Crown XTI 4000 for instance... and are names like Peavey, Yorkville, P audio...
Do you have access to a good cabinet maker? If you want HUGE low end (and what DJ doesn't) then the LABsubs would be awesome (but BIG and HEAVY but they are a DIY cabinet...
Finally what is the timeline...
$200 austalian dollars (100 pound??)
Par 64's $270 Austrailan dollars
Think of the savings in not having to buy a big generator
I just purchaced a KV2 KX.1.5 sub. Very impressed
May be some KV2 gear
(I would go Bose myself) Sorry G
No I wouldn't just kidding G
No highs no lows it must be Bose
Here's some excerpts from the thread (address posted below)
....Or one of my favorites;
Doesn't BOSE stand for Bring Other Sound Equipment?
Bose all mids no hi's and no lows
\"My issue with Bose is that for every claimed \"proprietary technology\" I easily can think of prior examples. And probably those weren't the original art, just obvious examples that I know about. I've never bothered to delve into their patents, but I suspect at the very least they are \"improvement\" patents, or at worst on very shaky ground. The huge marketing machine they've built gives them the financial resources to force these patents in spite of their tenuous technical merit.\"
The whole nine yards.... ... #msg_53593
And one installers incite on what he experienced in a \"pro bose\" application:
I again had the oppourtunity yesterday to hear a system consisting of several BOSE MA12 line arrays supplemented by MB4 bass modules. They were in a situation where sight lines were important so a slender loudspeaker was needed. The first thing I noticed was the sound was very \"weak.\" Even at moderate distances it was hard to hear over crowd noise, and intelligibility was average. Low end presence for music playback was also fairly mediocre.
Finally, when I got up close to the MA12 sticks I noticed a very pronounced midrange and severely lacking high end extension. It was akin to listening to an inexpensive home stereo loudspeaker with no tweeter.
All in all it was another fairly unimpressive experience with the Bose products. They did a good job of blending in with the environment but I think any good quality small trap box would have been a better sounding solution despite the moderate sight line issues.
Foh Engineer, AV Installer, Lighting designer
\"Less brand stroking, more useful discussion please!\"
So thats why I say... BOSE BLOWS! That and the only band to ever come in with a Bose system... (402 and panaray subs I believe) and they blew them in the first hour... I was called in to \"save the day\"...