RTA freakin out?
Just install new 260. Setup xover points and ran through general operation to check it out. Everything seemed to be good. Ran a quick Auto EQ and it ran fine, resulting in a \"better than expected\" end result. Did this a couple of times as I changed xover points and amp settings just to play around. Again, all fine. Came in tonight and set new xover points and attempted to run Auto EQ - now with problems. I select the Wizard, then set \"EQ on\" and \"hi\", then hit next and run up the pink noise (have tried several times at different settings, but just below performance level), then I hit next to start the auto eq process. This is where the \"Auto\" part is suppose to happen. Instead, the RTA display registers low readouts and then the unit pushes the levels up on its own, not once but twice! Jumps from -30 on the meter to +6 in level without touching it. When I rotate the knob between RTA and EQ, the EQ levels are off the chart. All bands are pegged. Nothing I do fixes the problem. Tried a soft reset but no help. Other than this the system seems to be working fine. What am I doing wrong? Need to fix this before this Thursday!
Help, Dan
Help, Dan
PS: Are you aware that DBX changed their home/support page layout? They made it harder to find this forum. Instead of clicking on support/forums, now you have to click support/faq and then select product category before you can get to the forum. Wonder why they would make such a good thing harder to find?