What is the difference with fixed and live modes in fbq
what are the big differences. I play in a rock band and it seems to me that you would want the system to search and destroy all and any frequencues it can find. am I missing something?
I use all live and set the time for 60 minutes
(longer than a set for most bands). I do this as
with wireless mics and moving around of the singer it
catches it all. Use medium music resolution (1/40 of an octive filters)
If all filters are on and another FB occurs, the AFS will drop a filter
to catch the FB. If I set it for hi res (1/80 of an octave) then the
notch filters are vary narrow and will use up all filters more quickly
and if time is set short to like one minute then I will get slight squeals
every minute due to the fliters dropping and resetting all the time.
That is why I use MED which is a little wider freq notch and 30 or 60 min
hold, as the filters will only drop when there is another needed
(vocalist runs around alot) and try the settings gadget listed.
Even if the monitors squeel a little the DRPA seems to pick it up.
(DRPA is used on the main system only)
Adding the quad gate to the vocal mics will help too, once I experiment with it. Have never had serious FB issues as it works great.