Driverack 260 security level screw up
I installed the driveware V2.6.2 and also DriveRack 260 V1.600 Firmware and I cant access anything even the wizard because the error message says that \"the security level is not high enough to make the requested change.\" I am doing everything from my computer and not from the front panel. All of the security settings are set to \"low\" and program lock says \"none\" .
I thought that I had put in a password but even when I type it in, I get the same error message. Is there anyway to fix the setting or start all over? I don't even really need a security level on anything because I'm the only one using it. Thanks for any help
I thought that I had put in a password but even when I type it in, I get the same error message. Is there anyway to fix the setting or start all over? I don't even really need a security level on anything because I'm the only one using it. Thanks for any help
Of course, you know you will loose any and all programs stored in the unit by doing this.
You should be able to perform a SOFT RESET.
The soft reset will retain your programs, but will set all utility settings back to their factory default states.
You could also perform a HARD RESET.
The hard reset will set all settings back to their factory default states as Gadget mentioned.
These procedures are explained on page 66 of the Owner's Manual. ... Manual.pdf
I hope this helps.
Thanks for the heads up Gadget.
Thanks again