JBL srx 715 tuning misprint/problem?
I set up a 2x5 with 1 zone for a bi-amp setup for my JBL srx 715 tops and an EV qrx218 sub.
As I understand it, it should be set up with:
mixer out to Channel A
Monitors out to Channel B
out 1= left high
out 2=right high
out 3=left low
out 4=right low
out 5= Sub
out 6= Monitors
I got the DR260 settings for the EV sub from EV, no problem there.
I downloaded the SRX 715 tunings from the JBL PRO site and loaded them into the DR260 from the GUI. I'm not sure if I did this correctly, as in the wizard it does have the srx715 in there, but I had to load in crossover & PEQ settings manually. I got all of the xover settings input correctly but as I was trying to input the PEQ JBL settings (for the lows)it has no Q value for the EQ1 bandwith (that box is blank) Also I'm confused in the EQ TYPE (for the lows also) EQ1= low shelf...EQ2=BELL...EQ3= BELL ...don't they all need to be the same type for the low speaker setting? (you have to put all of the PEQ settings in for EQ1,2,3,4 and you can't put in different TYPES until you move onto the HIGHS, or SUBS.
Just to make sure I am looking at the right settings from JBL, I'm looking at page 12 from the Acrobat file with the heading \"srx 715 bi-amp with srx718s sub......is this the right document? I realize I need to use the EV qrx218 numbers in place of the JBL 718 sub.
my last question (for this post anyway
) I'm not clear on what I need to do to set up a bandpass filter to set up for the monitors on channel B. If anyone can clear that up for me I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!
As I understand it, it should be set up with:
mixer out to Channel A
Monitors out to Channel B
out 1= left high
out 2=right high
out 3=left low
out 4=right low
out 5= Sub
out 6= Monitors
I got the DR260 settings for the EV sub from EV, no problem there.
I downloaded the SRX 715 tunings from the JBL PRO site and loaded them into the DR260 from the GUI. I'm not sure if I did this correctly, as in the wizard it does have the srx715 in there, but I had to load in crossover & PEQ settings manually. I got all of the xover settings input correctly but as I was trying to input the PEQ JBL settings (for the lows)it has no Q value for the EQ1 bandwith (that box is blank) Also I'm confused in the EQ TYPE (for the lows also) EQ1= low shelf...EQ2=BELL...EQ3= BELL ...don't they all need to be the same type for the low speaker setting? (you have to put all of the PEQ settings in for EQ1,2,3,4 and you can't put in different TYPES until you move onto the HIGHS, or SUBS.
Just to make sure I am looking at the right settings from JBL, I'm looking at page 12 from the Acrobat file with the heading \"srx 715 bi-amp with srx718s sub......is this the right document? I realize I need to use the EV qrx218 numbers in place of the JBL 718 sub.
my last question (for this post anyway

Thanks in advance!
I have delineated the process in detail here:
Also, the hi and lo shelf are the red and yellow (first and last) but you need to select lo shelf...(or high too if you wish... or both.. but one at a time of course...) select a slope (number of db per octave of cut or boost...and the center frequency of the shelf...
So... according to the chart the lo has a low shelf @185 hz with a 3.5 db per octave filter...
Just below that there is a bell type PEQ @ 250 hz with a Q of 3.0 and a cut of -2.0db...but this will all be entered automatically with the .dwp file...
As for the # 6 out press the coinfig button and change the input to #6 to B input... select a 1x1 filter (right click on the parameter you want to change in the \"config\" mode) then press 'config again and answer yes to \"replace existing configuration?\" then double click on the F box 'filter' for the #6 channel and drag the HPF to wherever you want it... simple as that..
You should spend some time in the \"read me first before posting\" ..
and FAQ sections ... this is all covered there...