choosing a new drive rack
currently running a DBX PA at my church. (4 JBL EON15: Mains 4 EON10: Monitors, 2 JBL SP18 Subs and my Mixer is a Sound Craft GB4) i wanted to know what DBX Drive Racks out there would be good for our system?
The 260 will work great for you. It is far superior to the DRPA. Assuming that you only have 1 common monitor mix, you coud control the main (mono) and monitors with it. Or run mains stereo and use the DRPA on monitors. Or run mains mono, 1 mon mix on the 260 and a 2nd (3rd is possible with some limitations (afs linked, for example)) on the DRPA.
The main beauty of the 260 in the computer control (EQs, etc on screen). Download the GUI and play with it.
About $700 for the 260.
The next steps up (and considerably more $) would be the 4800 or a 400 series unit, but I have no direct knowledge of them. Oh Gadget!?
As for the 4800... it is so sweet! If you have a system that sounds good with the DRPA the 260 will sound REALLY good, the 4800... in a class by itself...4 in, 8 out and as they say.. everything you DREAM of in between!
the 400 series is no longer made...