AFS Question
I have been encountering intermittent feedback issues with both of my DriveRacks(PA/PX). I have them set to live music/High and am using all of the filters. Any suggestions.
I use the PA on the stage monitors and the PX on the mains.
Let me also qualify this question by saying that there are 6 vocal microphones in close proximity on stage(Each with a separate channel strip-gate/compressor/limiter) not to mention drum mic's which are also gated etc.
I use the PA on the stage monitors and the PX on the mains.
Let me also qualify this question by saying that there are 6 vocal microphones in close proximity on stage(Each with a separate channel strip-gate/compressor/limiter) not to mention drum mic's which are also gated etc.
You captured 6 filters in fixed mode THEN set the live filters to Music high? If you did not capture the fixed first, all you have is live. This won't work well if they are released at any time.
Are you addng gain to the mics with the compressor? That can also cause increased feadback when the signal is below the lower threshhold.
I was providing sound for a large band so I'm using: 1-PG24/58 Wireless; 1-Sennheiser Freeport Wireless; 4-SM58(wired) and 4-Yamaha BR112 Monitors. Not to mention Audix mics for drums and a couple of SM57 for two horns.
Since I didn't set the AFS correctly, I didn't ring out the monitors or the mains until we started sound check. Of course that's not what I intended to do.
Can you provide the steps you take or cite them in the manual?
Also, are you saying I need to set the outputs from the DRPA to my Amps on flat? Mains flat as well? Provide some detail on this as well. Thanks for all you guys do.
I also noticed that after the room(4000sq ft) filled up with people the feedback in the monitors was absent and I was able to provide more gain in them without feedback. The room is on the top floor a high rise and all of the wall are windows except for one side. The stage was backed up to one of the glass walls/windows.
Good stuff.