Pro audio techs... Alone in the world
I just had the pleasure to take my yearly audiology (beep beep beep) test at work. Since I was the only one in the truck, I took the opportunity to ask the tester if he had the capacity to test the complete audio spectrum. He said that they did, 500-8000. I said \"No, I mean the complete spectrum that we hear.\" He said, \"Yes, 500-8000.\" I said, \"I mean from like 30-18,000 or so.\", and explained to him that I did sound work and my actual hearing curve would be very useful. He then went on to say that 2000 to 8000 was what we hear in speach. That they were the
speak tones\". I said, \"Yes, inteligability, or sylibence.\" He gave me a strange look so I gave up. I knew it was a losing battle.
I would have loved to play him some music limited to 500-8000 and speaking from 2K-8K.
Anyone else have any similar experiences? Probably in your local pro sound store. :roll:
speak tones\". I said, \"Yes, inteligability, or sylibence.\" He gave me a strange look so I gave up. I knew it was a losing battle.
I would have loved to play him some music limited to 500-8000 and speaking from 2K-8K.
Anyone else have any similar experiences? Probably in your local pro sound store. :roll: